November 3 2014

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Andy actually got to school early today, because Ana had some ROTC stuff to do. So I was alone for a couple of minutes. Not then he showed up, and we sat down and talked, just about stuff. When the bell rang, we walked up and he walked me to my class again which was on the fourth floor. It was so sweet of him. He hugged me afterwards also, before he had to leave. I love hugging him.

I then saw him after school, because he was there waiting for me. It was right outside of my Spanish class when he hugged me. I had just put some Chapstick on, and the first thing he said was, "I can smell it."

We walked down the stairs, and he had to stay at the library so he told me that he was staying. After he went for another hug, and before he pulled away he kissed me on the cheek.

Now I know why he kissed me after I kissed him on the cheek on Halloween. There were crazy butterflies and it made me really happy. Before we separated I kissed his cheek back real quick and left. I didn't look back. The smile on my face was too big.

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