Chapter 43 - "So when's the wedding?"

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Lennon absentmindedly tapped out a beat, her head moving slightly to her music as she zoned out. She was curled up in the corner of the plush couch. Her back to all the commotion going on in the room, trying to block it all out.

It had been a week since the Grammy's and her life had been a rollercoaster of nonstop promotion for her album release week.

A figure sat down in the chair next to her, obscuring her view of the blank wall. Her focus settled on the goofy grin on Kade's face. The sight of him brought a smile to her face, the weariness of her long week vanishing.

Since she had told him about Hunter, their relationship had shifted to something more solid. Their conversations were comfortable and open. Their trust in each other growing.

"Hey," Kade said, as she removed her headphones.

"Hey," she said through a yawn.

"What are you listening to?" he asked, reaching out and taking a headphone.

Lennon watched, amused, as he fit it into his ear and listened.

"Beautiful," he said.

There was no music playing.

"They say silence is golden," she said.

"So, what did you do?"        

There was a playful look on his face.   


"When I arrived you were facing the wall like you're on time out. I was just wondering what you did to earn the punishment."

Lennon smiled.

"The timeout is self imposed." 

"Trying to block out the world?"

She nodded.

"It was working until somebody rudely interrupted me."

"Sounds like a jerk."

Lennon smirked.   

"Your week has been busy." Kade said it as a statement, knowing very well exactly what her last few days had been like.

"I would say you have no idea, but you are one of the few people who actually know what it's like," Lennon said.

Everything about Kade, from his posture to his eyes, softened and he gave her a sympathetic smile.


"That would be an understatement," she said.

She rested her head against the back of the couch.

"The thing is," Lennon said, "it's not just one part of the last week that has been tiring. Touring with these people," she nodded her head towards her band, "isn't hard. The interviews, performances, meet n greets, travel. No one part is hard -"

"It's just having to deal with all of them, constantly, all day long," Kade finished for her.

Lennon gave a tired smile, that turned into a large yawn.

"We should hang out more. It's convenient to have someone to finish my sentences," she said.

"I think I could make that happen."

Lennon smiled and then tiredly let her attention wonder.

"I saw your interview on Tuesday," Kade said.

"You'll have to be more specific. Which out of the fifty did you see?"

"It feels like fifty doesn't it?"

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