Chapter 24 - "Talk? You wanna talk?"

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Matt texted Lennon, telling her that Kade had been removed from her apartment and her blanket and pillow would be returned, cleaned, the next day. Lennon let that be the only time she thought of Kade. She focused on her music the whole day and returned to her apartment exhausted. She was thinking only of her bed as she climbed the stairs. She was pulling out her keys when she looked up and found Kade, outside her door.

He looked awful. He had a baseball cap pulled low but she could see his face looked pale and there were circles under his eyes. They silently stared at each other for a moment. Lennon was unsure what to do. She figured Matt would issue an apology for Kade, they would give her a few days to get over it and then expect them to go on like nothing had happened.

"You should leave," she said, walking determinedly to her door.

"Lennon," he said softly.

"I'm serious Kade," she said, looking him directly in the eyes. "Go."

"We need to talk."

"Talk? You wanna talk?" she asked.

She nodded her head, trying to contain her frustration.

"What about the last three weeks? I was around then but you never wanted to talk! Actually you talked to everyone but me. Now I don't want to talk and you do. It sucks doesn't it, when someone won't talk to you."

"Give me a chance to explain," he said.

His voice remained quiet as Lennon could feel herself getting worked up. All her frustration from the last few weeks was ready to explode. She looked at him and saw his eyes looked sad, everything about him looked sad but she didn't care.

"No," she said.

"I'm sorry. I know what I did last night was unacceptable. I promise it will never happen again."

"Those sounds an awful lot like Matt's words. Next time, let him deliver his own message," she said, looking at him coolly.

"Is that honestly what you believe?" He asked sharply. "Matt didn't send me. In fact, he told me to stay away from you. Give you a few days to let the whole thing blow over but I couldn't."

Lennon scoffed and crossed her arms.

"I don't expect you to understand the way I have acted the last three weeks but I want you to know I am truly sorry for them," Kade said.

"You crossed a line. You were drunk and you kissed me! I was told that part of your life was over."

"I'm disgusted with myself. You've been nothing but amazing through this whole process. I was awful last night. I am so sorry for it all. The kisses, the way I treated you. Please, forgive me."

A car door slammed shut and Lennon looked over to see someone walking in their direction. She unlocked her door without saying anything. She turned back and glared at him. He looked back, his expression pleading.

"You can come in but this is nowhere close to being over," she said.

The last thing they needed was a public fight.

He stepped just inside the door and closed it. Lennon crossed her arms and leaned against the counter. Kade stood awkwardly, his hands in his pockets.

"Talk," she commanded.

"Lennon, I am so sorry about last night. I was stupid. I shouldn't have been drinking."

"Then why were you?"

"I was stressed and I couldn't handle being back in LA pretending life was ok."

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