Chapter 32: Fun Date

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I got home pretty late, almost 11 PM. I sighed before entering the apartment building. Brian's gonna be so pissed.

I was having so much fun tonight that I realized that I missed the fun being a teenager.

We were having lunch at the Central Mall, playing bowlings, and going to a club (which I wouldn't tell Brian and Ethan). They'd be freak if they knew I'd been to a club. I even had few shots but not that making me drunk.

Caleb and Hailey were so wasted tonight. It was a struggle to bring them back to their dorms. Guess going to the club wasn't the best idea for them.

I opened the apartment door and closed it behind me. I could hear the TV sound from the living room. I tried to pass the room without being noticed but failed.

"Linda", I heard my brother called from the living room.

"Yeah?" I said, tried to sound normal.

"Come", he said making me gulp.

I entered the room and saw there was only Brian sitting on the couch with the remote on his hand.

I sat on the one of the couch, waiting for his lecture. Brian turned off the TV and turned to look at me.

"Where have you been?", he asked.

"I was with my friends. I'd told Ethan about it", I said confused.

"I know. I mean, do you know what time is it?", he croseed his arms.

"I'm sorry. My friend's going back to his hometown tomorrow so we we're just hanging out"

He sighed. "Fine. But I don't want this happen again.", he said.

I rolled my eyes and got up from the seat, heading to my room. I haven't seen Ethan anywhere. I wanted to knock on his door but I was too shy to do that.

I took a shower and got ready for bed. I was chatting with Steve and Jenny on the group chat when I heard a knock. It was Ethan.

"Hey", he opened the door and closed it behind him.

"Hey", I said moving aside so he could sit on the bed.

He sat beside me and kissed my forehead. I was slightly blushed from his action.

"What're you doing?", he said when he saw me playing with me phone.

"Just chatting with my friends", I said then turned off my phone.

"How was your day?", he asked, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"It's great. You?, I chuckled.

"Boring", he said making a face.

I chuckled. "I'm sorry. One of my friend is leaving tomorrow. This is our last day together until next semester", I said wrapping my hands around his torso.

"So, it means that you won't be going anywhere this weekend?", he said rubbing my back.

"No. Why?", I said closing my eyes as my head laid on his chest.

"I'm taking you out for our first date"

My head shot up looking at him. "A date?"

"Yeah. You don't want to?", he said sadly.

"What? No. Actually I'm glad you ask".

He smiled and kissed me on the lips.

"Where will we go? ", I asked, curious.
"It's a surprise"

"I hate surprises", I furrowed my brows.

"I know", he mumbled under his breath.

I rolled my eyes and closed my eyes. I heard Ethan said something but I didn't hear it because I felt asleep.

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