Chapter 11: Second Date

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It was Saturday again and I was getting ready for my second date with Mike. I didn't tell Brian, though. I told him that me and Hailey were going to one of the fancy restaurant for dinner.

Of course I'd told Mike as well for not showing up at my apartment door. I told him to wait for me in the lobby. I swore this was going to be my last date with him and I would avoid kissing him.

Sure Mike was pretty nice and HOT, but I didn't really like him that much. I wasn't ready for such relationship.

It was almost 7 and I was sure that Mike was at the lobby already. So, I quickly grabbed my purse and walked out of my room.

Ethan and Brian were in the living room, watching football game. They saw me when I headed to the door.

"You're going now?", Brian asked.

"Yeah", I said

"Alright. Have fun", I heard he said before  I'd closed the door.

I took the elevator and it went down to the lobby. The door opened and I stepped out. I spotted Mike sitting on one of the couch. He got up when he saw me.

"You look breathtaking", he said, kissing my cheek. My face heated by his kiss.

"Thanks.You too", I said, trying not to drool by his appearance now. He was so HOT.

"So, where exactly are we going?", I said when we had been walking for quite a while.

"You'll see. It's a surprise", he winked.

"I hate surprises", I narrowed my eyes. He just gave a light chuckle.

"Wait here", he said. We were at a place that looked like a park. He went into the bushes and disappeared.

Geez, what were we doing in place like this? It was quite and there were no houses near us. It was too quite.

Does he want to kill me here? That thought crossed my mind. But I shook my head. Silly. There was no way he would do that.

Five minutes was past, and he appeared from the bushes.

"Sorry if that took too long. Come on", he took my hand and led the way.

He released my hand and I saw what was going on. There were white and red lanterns surrounding us and at the middle, there was a picnic basket with foods and blanket. It was beautiful.

"What is this?", I asked, still awed by his creation.

"Well, we are having a picnic", he led me to sit. "I thought you want something different. You don't like it?", he asked with concern.

"No, no. It's pretty. Thanks", I smiled.

We chatted while we ate our dinner. I was getting to know him better. He was a jock back in high school which didn't surprise me, he had his first kiss in eighth grade, and his favourite colour is blue.

He was really not that bad after all. I thought he would be like those boys who only wanted me in my pants. He was the first who made me this sweet surprise.

"God, I'm so full", I said after finishing my last bite of tuna sandwich.

"Yeah, me too", he said putting his plate down.

We stared at each other and then slowly he leaned his head to me. I didn't know what to do so I just sat there. At first I didn't intend to let him kiss me but my head was doubted after his sweet surprise that made me changed my mind. I let him kissed me and I kissed him back, opening my mouth, giving him access.

I fell on my back and he was on top of me, deepening the kiss, then he moved to my neck and I let out a soft moan. I could sense his grin on my neck.

He lifted his head then stared at my dark eyes. His eyes filled with lust but then he sat up so I did too. We sat there for a while, fixing our breath

"Linda?", he said with husky voice. His eyes met mine.

"Yeah?", I said.

"Will you be my girlfriend?", he asked, his eyes begging.

I didn't expect it to happen. Nobody's ever asked me to be their girlfriends. This was all so new to me. But I thought about what Hailey said to me that we were in college, not in high school anymore. We were practically adults. Maybe I should give it a shot?

But I was afraid that I would screw it up plus I'd never in a relationship. Could I be a good girlfriend?

"Linda?", Mike's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and he was worried by my silence.

"Yes", I answered softly.

His eyes widen in excitement. He then cupped my face and kissed me hard again. He then fell on top of me again not breaking the kiss. I could feel that my lips had swollen from his kiss but I didn't mind.

He then moved to my neck, which was my weak spot and I let a moan again but louder than the first. He seemed to noticed my weakness and he tortured me again.

I sensed his hand on my breast then he tried to unbutton my blouse but I stopped his hand. I knew where this one was going. He looked at me confused. But then I gave him signal that I didn't want to do it. He seemed to understand and got up from me.

"Oh my God, Linda. I'm so sorry. I got heat up", he apologized. Guilt was all over his face.

"No, it's fine. I'm sorry. I'm not ready for that step", I said, calming him down.

"Shit. I ruined everything", he cursed under his breath.

"No,no", I said as I touched his face. "You don't ruin everything"

"I'm sorry, Linda. I promised I will wait until you're ready", he said sincerely.

Nobody ever said that to me before. Mostly boys I was with was always kept pushing me to do it, which annoyed me. But Mike was different. He was willing to wait.

"Thanks, Mike", I kissed his cheek.

"It's late and we are walking home. I don't want your brother to punch me", he joked as he glanced at his clock.

I laughed as well since it was impossible to happen because Brian didn't have any idea I was with him.

The walk home didn't seem long because I was with Mike and his hand holding mine. He carried the basket all the way home. I offered him to help but he insisted to take it alone.

"Thanks for today, Mike. I really enjoyed it", I said when we were in front of my apartment building.

"Anytime for you, gorgeous", he smirked then he kissed me again, hard.

"Sleep tight", he said after he pulled away.

I smiled then walked through the front door. I thought everything that just happened this evening. Did I make a right decision with dating Mike?

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