{Chapter 6}

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My Possessive Vampire Boss

_Chapter 6_

"Who's Shadow?" He asks, nearly yelling at me. Thank God he didn't yell, I don't like yelling. A soft giggle leaves my lips. "Shadow is my new kitten" I tell him proudly and laughing. I'm so proud of myself that I got a cat. "But, you don't own a cat" He says, clearly confused. Of course, he is confused. I only got him this Saturday, I understand that feels confused. "Now I do, I just got him this Saturday" I tell him and get comfortable on the chair in his office.

Not even a second after I sit on the chair the phone of the desk rings. Liam goes and answers it with the usually 'hello' then he introduced himself. Then he looks confused and hands me the phone. Wait what? Hesitantly I take it and push it up against my ear. "Hello?" I speak confused into the phone. "Is this Emma Rose Summers?" A monotone woman's voice speaks on the other line. "Yes, that's her" I tell the woman. "Mr. Black has requested your presence. There will be a car picking you up in five minutes" The woman says, her voice boring and more robot like than a voice of a human. What does that man want now? He was here earlier, couldn't he just have said it to me then?

"What if I won't want to?" I ask nervously, I've seen first hand what he can do if I say no to him. Truth to be told, I would do anything so I wouldn't have to talk to him. I can already tell that he is a huge player and I don't indent to have my heart broken. "Mr. Black instruction to me where to tell you if you deny that he will fire you if you do not come" She says. How does he know everything I do? How does he exactly know that I was going to deny this, whatever it is? "Then I guess I don't have a choice" I sigh as I speak and hang up the phone.

I kind of feel bad for her since I hanged up on her. She's only working for him, but then again so am I. When I looked outside the window I saw that there stands a black limousine in front of the library. There haven't even been five minutes since she called. A man stepped out of the limousine wearing a fancy black tuxedo. I hurry outside and gape at the limousine with widen eyes. I've never seen one in real life, it's super long. "Miss Summers, follow me please" The man tells me. I have no choice but to follow him, I'd like to keep my job. He opens a door in the back of the car and I get inside, then he closes the door after I get in.

Soon after a very quiet car ride we are here, in front of the Black company building. I walk inside the same building that I thought I would never have to step foot again, I guess that plan didn't work out. As soon as I walk into the lobby I spot Mr. Black, aka my boss. "Good to see you here again, Miss Summers" He says with a... smile on his face? Wait what, he is smiling? That's a new one. "We saw each other this morning. And I had no choice Mr. Black, so of course I came to see you and can you make this quick. I really want to get home to Shadow as soon as possible" I tell him, not exactly happy. "Don't worry, Miss Summers. This won't take long and you'll be home to your cat before you know it. For now follow me to my office" He tells me smirking.

After he speaks those words I keep my mouth closed and follow him. We went into a different elevator than the first time I was here. "So, Mr. Black, is there a reason why you threatened me to come here?" I question him after he closed the doors of his office. "Yes, Miss. Summers, I have a good reason for summoning you here" He answers. I'm afraid that isn't a good enough answer for me. I open my mouth to speak, but before words could have the chance to come out of my mouth he begins to speak.

"As you have probably noticed, I need a secretary" He tells me. I have been wondering if he had a secretary or not, since I know that every boss has at least one. I think. I just thought that he didn't want to have. "No, Mr. Black I haven't noticed it before" I lie to him, I don't want to seem like the person who notices these things. I look everywhere except for him, afraid to look into his stone-cold green eyes. "Well then, now you have been told that I need one, and fast" He says. He isn't making any sense to me right now. "And what has that to do with me?" I ask him, still not wanting to look into his eyes, they are super frightening.

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