{Chapter 1}

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My possessive Vampire Boss

_Chapter 1_

Shivering as the cool breeze blows slightly on my skin. My warm black jacket that I had forgotten hangs on a hanger beside my front door. The alarm clock didn't ring, as a result, I'm now late. Today is my job interview for the job at the library. Books have always been my favorites, reading brings out a new vision of the world. And I have been told that I see the best visions of the world. It's autumn and the colors have already started to show themselves on the leaves, as they have turned orange, red, yellow and brown. My financial aren't good and I have no money to buy myself a car. Usually I walk places, or the ones that aren't far away. At other times my best friend drives me, she loves to drive me around. She is the kind of person that helps everyone in need, the homeless to the poor to the mentally disturbed and everything in between. She really is a good person and I couldn't ask for a better best friend than her.

Reaching the library that stands with all its glory, as it has been for many years. Walking inside and allowing me to feel the heat from the inside air warm up my body. A man is the first thing I'm met with. He wears a black suit, with a golden watch on his wrist. His facial expression says that he is not happy yet neither sad, more like irritated. "You must be Miss Summers, am I correct?" He asks with his head high and annoyed look plastered on his face. "Yes, that's me" I reply with a smile on my face. Just because he is having a very bad day doesn't mean that I have to be sour to him as well. "My name is Liam White, now follow me to my office, and we can begin" He says with somewhat power and pride. Without allowing me to utter a single word he has turned around and walks off. With me following behind him closely, of course.

"Miss Summers, I'm pleased to inform you that you have gotten the job

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"Miss Summers, I'm pleased to inform you that you have gotten the job. You seem like the perfect worker for the job, by both having the interest and patience. Be here tomorrow at nine o'clock. Sharp. And I will see you then, good day Miss Summers" He says with a smile. I can only smile back to him of excitement. "Thank you, Mr. White" I say and shake his hand, when he puts it out. Just as I take one step out of the library, I feel the cold breeze creep on me and goosebumps run down my body as I begin to shiver. Ignoring the cold, I walk the same way back home. It's only morning and I have the whole day for myself, before I begin to work tomorrow. What should I do with my day? Maria is working and I don't want to bother her, and I'm single. I can't go out with my partner. This is going to one heck of a boring day, now that I don't have to look for a job anymore.

Just few more minutes in this cold weather and then I'm back home, under a warm blanket. Suddenly I crash into a hard wall, making me fall down. I close my eyes and wait for the impact of the fall. I never hit the ground, as the wall catches me before my body slams to the concrete street. I look up and saw a man with the most pale skin I have ever seen and very dark shade of green eyes, that hold so much power. I didn't hit a wall, instead I crashed into a man, and unfortunately he spilled the coffee in his hands on himself. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Are you all right?" I ask the man, still in shock of what had happened. The man helps me stand up straight, and he makes sure that I have balance and not fall again.

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