US & Ice cream...

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Maya's Pov: 

The cutest thing is happening right now! For some unknown reason Ian is acting like a kid. I as usual came to visit him but this time I was late. My mum obliged me to go on a date saying that Ian won't remember and that I cannot live on the vain hope of him remembering me...So after days of nagging I gave up and went to this date with Jason, her friend's son. The date was good. Even though I was clearly uninterested and acting like a drama queen, in the hope of driving Jason away...That man was nothing but a gentleman. He allowed me to pay for my share, tried to talk me into considering him as a friend and enjoying our time. And I did.

"Aren't you going to eat your ice cream?" I asked Ian who stayed silent since I announced my date.

"I don't want it." he grumbled at me and folded his hands at his chest. I thought that for a reason, he will remember me, yell at me for going on a date, get jealous and kiss me senseless but here he is acting like a kid because his "friend" aka me was belated by her date and didn't phone him to assure him that she is okay.

"Come on Ian, I know that you want this." I teased him as I sat beside him and waved the ice cream cone near his face.

"Nope." he grumbled again and continued to watch the TV.

"You two are cute." Ian's mum announced as she joined us.

"There is no we" Ian said as he ushered between me and him " I am not talking to her anymore." he continued to act like a baby 

"Ignore him hun, he is just being a baby because you are the only one who is paying him enough attention...So how was your date?" His mum asked and I saw sadness flashing in her eyes...She knows I told her everything about Ian and I.

"I don't want to hear about it." Ian yelled and shifted a bit closer to me  

"Then go to your room!" his mum ordered but he didn't move he just froze there and listened 

"The date was good...My mum said that I cannot lose my time waiting...I tired to convince her but she started saying that she wants to make sure that there will be someone by my side before her death and that she wants to have grand kids and all..She even cried and that's why I said yes...Jason , my date, turned to be a total gentleman...He allowed us to act like friends the entire time the only thing he did was to hold my hand." I answered and felt Ian's hand brushing mine but as I looked his way he looked away and shifted away from me.

"He sounds like a good man..." Mrs.Mathews replied and I nodded 

"I have to leave...I will buy some groceries and be back by half an hour." Mrs.Mathews continued to talk and Ian and I just nodded at her.

"That's my ice cream." Ian finally spoke breaking the weird silence that enveloped us 

"Well you should have said so like a minute ago. It is mine now." I shrugged at him and continued to enjoy the heavenly frozen goodness in my hand 

"You are mean." Ian huffed at me and folded his hands in a dramatic way

"Well you are being a kid." I replied to him and heard him huffing again

"Well you could have called." Ian answered back in clear anger

"Well I wasn't that late...and you shouldn't care" I fired back at him and that's when his body shifted and in a second his hand captured mine turning me side ways to face him and let me tell you that his eyes were dark and they made me shiver.

"I do care." Ian rumbled in the lowest tone and for a reason his hold tightened on my hand

"I care a lot." Ian repeated and that's when my cone of ice cream fell out of my hand 

"can you let go?" I kind of begged because being this close to him is bringing back old memories, flashbacks of the office kiss, of how it felt ...I am going to break and cry if he doesn't let go 

"You have some ice cream here..." Ian replied ignoring my request and his other hand came in contact with my cheek as his thumb traced the corner of my lips making me shiver and giving me thousands of fireworks.

"Ian...I should go." I barely spoke and what happened next froze me. The same warm lips came into contact with mine and the same familiar strong hands enveloped me bringing me to Ian's lap. I didn't know what to do but I in a minute started to react to his demanding lips. I lost myself in the kiss and my eyes like Ian closed. His hands tightened around me and then started to massage my back and I couldn't but moan his name...Then as if remembering his medical condition my tears started to heavily fall. I decided to back off. I should respect his state. I should let go because he said it clearly he is already in love. As soon as my hands tried to push away his chest, he grumbled and pulled me closer. Yet when my tears became noticed to him, he stopped.

"I am so sorry." I announced and tried to push away from his lap but he wouldn't let go

"May..." he replied in a weird tone

"I should clean up that ice cream and go home." I said in a low voice but he wouldn't let go

"Stay the night. I miss you." Ian said in a sincere tone surprising me...Does he remember us ? 

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