Actually Already In Love

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maya's Pov:

Mercy Hospital.



All those words played and echoed in my mind endlessly. I froze and couldn't move. I stayed there on my cold kitchen floor and became as numb as ever. What if lose him? What if he is hurt because I left him in bar drunk and ordered him to drive home? What have I done? My tears again found a way to appear and they were falling now endlessly. I cried or sobbed. I was totally lost.

"Maymay...May...MAY....Maya?" Jack questioned with clear concern

"I did this. If I just talked to him. If I just heard him..." I cried hysterically

"You did nothing. He pushed you away and hurt you." Jack answered as he hugged me and I sobbed into his shirt.

"He is hurt." I uttered 

"I will drive you there. Go wash your face and we will go and make sure that he is okay." Jack promised and my eyes rapidly connected with his searching for any hint of untruthfulness.

"But won't that be awkward for you? Don't you like hate him?" I shakily asked 

"Both him and Rose are at fault and I cannot say that I hate her...Let's just go." Jack tried to respond but his voice got muffled again by what I guess the memory of his wife kissing another man.

"Thank you." I replied hugging him 

"You know that I will do anything for you. You are my best friend too, you know?" Jack announced and I couldn't but hug him closer.

"You are the best." I said then rapidly washed my face, changed my clothes and ran with jack to the car.

The ride seemed slow. All streets were loaded with cars. Jack tried his best to avoid traffic but even though he tried we seemed to be lost in a sea of cars. He seemed genuinely concerned and I loved that about him. But now was no time to focus on Jack. The man I love is laying on one of the hospital beds suffering from god knows what injuries.  Those images yet again made me shiver. Tears in second filled my eyes and as soon as they fell I started to wipe them away. I want to hide them. I wanted to look strong but nothing worked my heart felt broken and out of repair. It stopped beating earlier but now it feels burdened and heavy. It simply hurts.

"MayMay...please don't cry." Jack begged as the car stopped in a red light.

"I cannot help it..." I replied brokenly and even my voice echoed with pain and hurt.

"He will be okay." Jack promised again 

"I hope so." I said nodding 

"Should I call her?" Jack asked after a silent minute

"Rose?" I uttered the name and suddenly all hate had vanished. I don't hate her or Ian. All hard feelings had vanished and were replaced by pure concern and love...

"Yeah. I mean after all they were...are in love." Jack explained and I wanted to tell him that Ian is in love with me now  but for what use...So I just nodded and silently sat in the car until the hospital came into view and that's when my already in pain heart started to throb more painfully and I I couldn't but hold my chest as of fear of it exploding with ache.

"Ian Mathews." I rushed saying to the receptionist 

"Room A120." She replied then thanked her and started running to the room.

I ran as fast as my legs allowed me but once I came face to face with the door of that room my legs froze. What if he is in too much pain. What if he is unconscious. What if he is in dangerous situation. Maybe this happened because of my stubbornness. Maybe if I just answered one of his phone calls he would be okay now.

"What have I done?" I murmured to myself

"This is not your fault MayMay." Jack replied in the lowest voice and that startled me 

"I am scared...I love..." I said turning but then my eyes landed on a second figure behind Jack.

"MayMay..." Rose whispered and I didn't know how am I supposed to answer her

"I am sorry." The words escaped my lips then in a second I turned away from her and opened the door.

The figure that greeted me was that of Ian. He seemed , for once, weak and helpless and such scene didn't settle right in my mind. I saw some cuts and a cast around his arm and that made my eyes for the billionth time today burst in tears. I slowly walked to him but I was too afraid to wake him up. He seemed to be in too much pain so I decided to let him rest. After I don't know for how much time of pure silence colonized the scene. Yet once my fingers seemed to find one of Ian's curls on his forehead and as they came into contact with it trying to push it away from his eyes, those orbs of his shot open and he continued to gaze at me. 

I didn't know how to react but all figures in the room seemed to be gone. All machine sounds seemed to get weaker and weaker. The only sound that prevailed was my own intense heartbeat. And call me insane but I had to do my next move. All my body was asking for it, for reassurance that Ian was okay. For the very first time I started to lean in first. I saw his eyes doubling in size but there was no time to read much into this. Suddenly my lips came into contact with his smooth lips. He froze at first but then started to submit to the kiss. The same intense fireworks and shivers rose and exploded in my body but out of fear of hurting him I drew away quickly.

"Sorry..." I said and looked at Ian to find at me in this unusual kind of way 

"Are you okay?" Jack asked stopping the gazing contest that seemed to start between me and Ian

"I have been better..." Ian replied sarcastically and took us all by surprise...Shouldn't he be nice to Jack. After all the he just shattered Jack's heart and stole his wife.

The conversations didn't last long and I took no part in them. Ian seemed to be happy when talking to Rose and Jack stood furiously throwing remarks between now and then. Then the latter man as if he had enough, he announced that he is going back home. Rose looked in great pain when Jack ignored her and walked past her. Maybe they need to talk before one of them can be physically hurt just like Ian.

"Jack could you please drive Rose back? " I questioned earning a death glare  from Jack and a small thankful smile from Rose. 

"Okay..." Jack mumbled like a kid and stormed away.

"Thank you...I owe you one and here these are my car keys. It is parked in front of the hospital so when you need to come home use it." Rose said and handed me the keys and I just nodded at her.

"Why did you kiss me?" Ian's voice echoed in the now empty room

"It all happened in a rush...I was afraid of losing you..." I announced opening my heart again to him and letting all my walls disappear.

"Maya... I know that I kissed you when you ran out of my car but that didn't mean that we are together...I am actually already in love with another girl." Ian mumbled those few words as nicely as possible and I didn't know how to react...

"Ian?" I uttered after a moment of shock and he just continued to look at me with those big eyes of his . His stare seemed lost and he looked so innocent and fragile right now. I didn't know what to do...did he really lose his memory ? 

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