Chapter 18

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I know the song doesn't really go with the chapter but It's one of my favorite songs and I just thought 'Eh why not,'

Anyways, Whats are some of your favorite movies? Post em in the comments I wanna see,

I wake up still wrapped in Grey's arms. I wriggle free and walk to the bathroom I slide in the shower and sit in the tub letting the water pour down on me. I begin to think of how I will have to escape. I hear the curtain open and gasp I use my arms the best I can to hide my body. Grey stares down at me and smiles lightly.

"Morning showers?" He smiles lovingly and pulls the curtain the rest of the way open. I feel my mouth fall open as I notice he's not wearing anything. I slide back horrified. I shake my head scared of what he was doing, he stepped in and pulled me up. I try to contain my expression and push him back but fail. He grabs a rag and fills it with soap. I begin to panic when he crotches down and begins scrubbing my thighs. I try to pull back but he just slaps my legs. I whine out and try to pull away again, the slap this time was a lot harder. We continue this a few times until I couldn't handle the stinging pain anymore and I just let him finish cleaning my legs. I feel my face turn red as he cleans my 'women area' and my butt. I feel a large lump rise in my throat as he cleans my butt and then travels the rag to my stomach and back.

He then cleans my chest, which I tried to object to but he does it anyways. He finishes without even trying to touch me inappropriately, I am beyond glad.
After he finishes he pulls me out of the showers and dries me off. He then proceeds to dress me in a pretty pink dress with a few small flower prints on it. He then carries me to the bed and walks back into the bathroom.He comes back dressed in low hanging sweatpants. In his hands he had a brush. He sits behind me and begins brushing the small amount of hair I have. I feel a little annoyed about him treating me as if I was five.

"We are gonna relax for today so we're all rested and happy for our wedding tomorrow." He says smiling picking me up like you would a toddler. He puts me on the couch and kisses my forehead. He turns the tv on and puts it on a movie. I looked at the screen for a few moments and notice its Edward Scissorhands, I smile in delight. I hear dishes clinking in the kitchen after a few minutes he comes back out with two plats in his hands. He walks over to me and puts one of the plates on my lap and the other on his. I look down at the bacon, hash browns and toast. I begin chewing slowly on the bacon as I admire Johnny Depp's face. If you can't tell I love Johnny Depp, he's my favorite actor, I've literally watched all of the movies he's been in. I notice Grey smiling at me but didn't bother on acknowledging him. Towards the middle of the movie I finish my breakfast. I stand up and walk to the kitchen quickly before running and jumping over the back of the couch and right into my spot. I look over and see Grey grinning and chuckling at my behavior I shrug my shoulders and go back to watching the movie.

I was so intent on watching the movie I barely noticed Grey pull me on top of him so he could cuddle me. I  honestly didn't care right now, I just want to relax for a while. After an hour or so the movie finished and Grey stands up and walks to the tv. I watch him switch movies and watch as Divergent plays. I stay still on the couch as Grey positions us into the way we were laying a few seconds ago. I think he was shocked I wasn't protesting. Trust me it's not because I am growing on him, it's because I can feel a migraine coming on from all this stress. If you haven't had a migraine before then it's basically a headache like hundred times worse, when I get mine I normally sit in a dark room laying there or sleeping. Like everything makes it worse; too much light, any type of sound, stress, crying, moving, trust me when I say it hurts like hell.

I look up at the ceiling and begin feeling panic again thinking about tomorrow. I try to push the thought away, I have literally no plan.

"Who got all the outfits and set up the arrangements?" I ask hoping he forgot something so we can't have the wedding.

"My sister got everything, I second checked everything just to make sure she didn't fail the one job she has." He says smiling. I gulp and realize that plan won't work. I guess I will just have to run whenever I get the chance to because the day I marry him without fighting will be the day hell freezes over. I begin thinking of everything bad that could happen if I try to run tomorrow. Honestly the worst I could think about is him killing me, and to be honest I rather have him kill me rather then him rape me. I didn't notice the movies been over until Grey shakes me a little to make sure I was alright.

"I will make dinner, anything you'd like in particular?" He asks. I shake my head no and then look at the clock. I notice it's already 5, how many movies did we watch..? I sit there motionless staring off into the distance waiting for Grey to finish cooking dinner. After a few minutes I stand up and walk into the kitchen. I notice Grey is standing in front of the stove shaking a pan. I walk over towards him and see he's cooking hot dogs.

"Will you set the table for me, sweetheart?" I cringe at the nickname but get the plates and napkins out anyways. Grey makes both of our plate. He gives me one hotdog and a scoop of macaroni. We both eat in silence.  Thoughts racing through my head most of them negative.

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