Esme's point of view (chapter 15)

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I was sitting in Elena's room , sitting on the edge of her bed while looking through photo albums. I was looking through all of Elena's childhood photos and there's A LOT. There was one of Elena's 1st birthday and she put her face in the cake.

Flash Back

Elena just finished opening up all her presents and there was A LOT. I just set Elena on the floor and put a cake platter in front of her. I would of put her in her highchair but she absolutely HATES her highchair. Alice knelt down next to Elena and put Elena's new birthday bib on Elena I picked up the cake off the kitchen counter and walked into the sitting room. Before I could give the cake to Elena the phone rang. I answered the phone and it was the Denials wondering if Elena's present came which it did. Right when I hung up the phone Edward said "Esme Elena said and I quote if you don't give me that cake I will throw my shoe at you.''. I looked at Elena who had taken off her shoe and was holding it up in the air getting ready to throw it. I laughed but right when I did Elena threw her shoe and I ducked but Emmet wasn't so lucky because he got hit with the shoe. "Elena you don't throw you don't get the cake.'' I scolded before setting the cake down on the table. Elena gave me the puppy dog eyes. "No.'' I said. I didn't want to be mean to my baby girl on her birthday but she throws things at people WAY too much. When I wasn't looking I felt a gush of wind. I turned around to see Edward kneeling down next to Elena and putting the cake on the platter. Edward kissed the top of her head then stood up, looked at me, put his hands in surrender and said "What don't blame me her thoughts were REALLY depressing.''. "Man your whipped buts' what worse is she's only one Edward and your wrapped around her finger.'' said Emmett between laughs. I looked at Elena to see she put her whole face in the cake. Everyone laughed then Rosalie jumped up and took a picture of it. She took her face out and looked at me with innocent eyes. I smiled, walked over, grabbed a napkin, knelt down next to her, and while I wiped her face I said "Awe sweetie your suppose to eat the cake not put your face in it.''. "She said then what's the point of cake beside's throwing it at...'' Edward didn't get to finish because Elena threw cake and hit him right in the face. Everyone laughed. "Real funny Elena.'' said Edward.

End of flash back

I smiled at the memory. I turned the page of the photo album and saw another one of my favorite pictures. It was a cold winter day.........

Flash Back

I was sitting on the couch read a book while Elena sat on the rug playing with her toys. Edward, Jasper and Emmett came in the house and Emmett said "Hey Elena you want to go play in the snow it finally stopped storming.''. Elena jumped up, and said "Yeah.'' she turned to me "Can I mommy?''. I smiled and said "Sure sweetie have Rosalie go get you changed.''. Elena ran away, while saying "Rosy. Rosy. Rosy mommy said I can go play in the snow can you help me get changed.''. I heard Rosalie say of course before they went up stairs to Elena's room.

They came back down Rosalie dressed warm along with Elena dressed warm. Elena made us all dress warm but if didn't we didn't get to go play in the snow. So since we all listened we were all dressed warm and playing in the snow. When I wasn't looking I felt something hit the back of my head. I turned around to see Elena looking at me innocently "Oh so that's how you want to play I see.'' I said as I picked up some snow and made a perfectly round snow ball. Then I threw it at Elena. And that's how the whole family got in a snow ball fight.

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