Chapter 3

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One year later Edward's point of view
"Elena you can't hide you know I always find you." I said as I looked around the house for 5 year old Elena. She supposes to be 4 but she looks 5 so we say she's 5. Rosalie walked into the room, put her hands on her hips and said "Please tell me you didn't loose her.". "I didn't loose her we are playing hide and seek." I said. "And how long has she been hiding?" asked Rosalie. "About an hour." I mumbled. "Edward!" yelled Rosalie. "I'll find her calm down." I said. "Let me try." Rosalie sighed before yelling "ELENA LUNCH IS READY AND ITS YOUR FAVORITE!" Just then 5 year old Elena came running down stairs and ran into Rosalie's arms. I crossed my arms and said "Where have you been I've been worried?!" "Sorry Eddie." Elena said with a said face. "Don't...." Before Rosalie could finish I already took Elena out of her arms, hugged her and said "Fine just don't scare me like that again now lets go feed you." Elena smiled and clapped her hands. "Ugh Edward you really need to learn to punish her." said Rosalie. "You know Edward she's only 4 and your already whipped and wrapped around her finger." said Emmett who came into the room. I rolled my eyes then said "What ever come one Elena lets go feed you." I walked into the kitchen with Elena in my arms before anyone could say anything else. When I got in the kitchen I put Elena on the chair by the counter and gave her, her lunch Rosalie made her which was a Pb&j and milk. "Thank you Eddie.'' Elena said with a smile. I smiled and said "Your welcome now eat.''. Elena smiled before eating. I was just leaning against the counter when I heard Rosalie say "Edward can we talk?''. I sighed then walked into the other room.

Elena's point of view

I was eating when I heard something outside I knew everyone was busy so I climbed off the chair and went to check it out. I walked out side and to the front to see a man with long black hair. I smiled and said "Can I help you?''. "Who are you?'' he asked. "Elena and you?'' I said. "Billy, Billy Black.'' he said. "Well Billy Black who's that?'' I asked looking at his truck when I saw a boy sitting in the passenger seat. "My son Jacob.'' said Billy. I smiled and waved at ''Jacob''. He looked up and waved slightly. "Is he shy?'' I asked. "Sort of so is Carlisle home?'' asked Billy. "No he had to go into work for some emergency surgery that someone needed.'' I said. After I said that I felt a pair of arms lift me in the air and pull me close to them then they said "What are you doing here?''. When I saw Eddie glaring I thought be nice Eddie. He slightly relaxed. "I was suppose to talk to Carlisle.'' said Billy. "I'll tell him you stopped by.'' said Edward. They glared at each other one last time before Billy got in his truck. Before he left I waved, smiled said "Bye Billy nice meeting you.''. Billy smiled and waved then drove off. When I saw Edward glaring at me I buried my head in the crook of his neck. "Elena what were you doing out here?'' asked Edward. Even though I couldn't see his face I could still tell he was glaring at me. "Elena.'' Edward repeated. "I heard a noise so I came out here to check it out cause I didn't want to bother you.'' I said. Edward sighed and said "Next time if you hear something come get someone.''. I smiled and said "Kay.''.

Three weeks later Elena's point of view

I watched as Eddie talked on the phone while I sat on the couch. I knew for a fact he and who ever he was talking to were talking about me because every so often I would hear my name and Eddie would give me a small smile telling me it's alright. I know it's not alright there no fooling me Edward. Edward must have been too lost in the conversation to hear my thought. I humph, sat back against the couch and crossed me arms. "Thank you again Billy we'll be at the treaty line soon.'' Edward said before hanging up the phone. "Eddie what's going on?'' I asked worriedly. Edward came over, picked me off the couch and as he walked up stairs he said "Nothing kitten we are just going to do some business and you need to stay with Billy and Jacob.''. Ha there must be something wrong, Edward hates that I made friends with little Jacob. The second time I saw Jacob we became friends instantly. So when Edward found me talking to Jacob he got mad and wouldn't let me see him. Me and Jacob cried until we got to see each other (There's nothing romantic going on with Elena and Jacob they just have this special friend bond that no one can understand.) So finally a week and half later of me and Jacob not eating Mommy and Daddy and Billy put aside their differences so me and Jacob can be friends. So I settled a feud go me aren't I special. Edward rolled his eyes and smiled at my thought. Oh so now you pay attention to my thoughts where were you five minutes go huh!

Edward rolled his but didn't say anything. Eddie carried me into my room were I saw Mommy putting clothes in my backpack. "Let me change her outfit Edward then we'll leave.'' said Mommy. Eddie nodded then handed me to Mommy. When Eddie left my room I said "Mommy what's going on.''. Mommy took off my shirt, put on a new one and said "Nothing sweetie we are just doing some business.''. Mommy put me in a skirt, a vest and Ugg boots.

"You can come in now Edward.'' said Mommy. Right after mommy said that Eddie came in and said "You ready Elena?''. I shook my head. Eddie came over to me knelt down to my level and said "Everything is going to be alright.''. "Your not going to leave me are you?'' I asked as I looked down at the ground. Eddie put his hand under my chin, made me look up then he said "Of course not kitten we'll come back I promise so now you ready.''. I nodded. I turned to mommy, and hugged her. When I pulled away she said "We'll be back I promise.''. I nodded. Eddie then picked me up and carried me out of the house and to the treaty line. When we got there I hugged Eddie then I left with Billy with tears in my eyes.

Edward's point of view

It pained me to see her go with tears in her eyes but we have to go since the stupid Volturi want to see us. I speeded back to the house to have Alice say "Are you sure Aro wont be able to see Elena.''. "I'm sure Aro's gift can't get past the wolves so since she's over there it blacks out every memory of her and Aro can't see her and that goes for all minds.'' I explained. Alice nodded then Carlisle came in and said "Did everything go alright with getting Elena there?''. I could tell he was upset about Elena so I just nodded. Esme came down the stairs and said "Let's get going.''. Everyone nodded then we left for the Volturi.

Alec Volturi's point of view

We were expecting the arrival of the Cullen's they should be here any minute now. Aro told the Volturi to not think about the little child and yes we know we are the Volturi for goodness sake. Gianna came in the Volturi receptionist and said "They arrived.''. Aro nodded and said "Bring them in.''. She nodded before leaving. A few seconds later the Cullen's came in. I toned out when they started talking business and all that crap. I started to listen again when Aro said "And we look forward to meeting Elena.''. I smirked when a growl came out Edward Cullen mouth. "Of course.'' said Carlisle Cullen. "Excellent bring her back in a week.'' said Aro.

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