Chapter 52 - Unexpected Guests

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Chapter 52 – Unexpected Guests

I wiped the tears with the back of my hand but they kept on coming. In my room, Kidnap kept on pawing at my feet as I cried on a corner, hugging my legs. He whined lying down close to me and nudged my hand with his muzzle.

“I just did the right thing, Kidnap,” I murmured in between the sobs. I didn’t think it would be this painful since I knew this would happen anyway.

Erasing my memories of Leon wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. Every corner of my room had something that reminded me of him.

My phone rang for the seventh time but I didn’t pick up. Everything should be okay after some time. Like Becky said, I’ll be good as new in no time.

At the back of my mind, I wondered if Leon already read my letter. I had too much to tell him but couldn’t bear to say it all personally. Maybe it was fear that I might break down in front of him and lose what little sense was left in me.

My own words reverberated inside my head as I headed out of my room, catching a glimpse of Matt’s Valentine card sprawled about the floor along with the other stuff I intended to give back to Leon.

Dear L,

Do you know that breakups statistically increase during spring breaks, Valentine’s Days, two weeks before Christmas and in summer vacations? It doesn’t make any sense but I guess all I wanted to tell you is that I’m glad I met you. By the time you’re reading this, I’ve already broke your heart.

I’ll always miss you’re smiles and the way you scrunch your forehead when I try to say something funny. I was thinking maybe you didn’t find any of my jokes amusing. You just laugh because I look stupid, right?

You see, you and I are too different. Your world’s just everything mine isn’t. I know you how much you love your music. It’s your life. And I don’t want you to give that up. I’ve already done enough damage. I might sound selfish but know that I don’t regret anything. Having the chance to love you was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.

Leon, do you know that sixty-eight percent of people think still think about their ex? And I will be thinking of you more than you could ever know. But I’m letting you go.



Kidnap trotted beside me as I made it to the living room. Dad straightened on the sofa and lifted his gray eyes from the music sheet he was reading.

“You talked to him.” It wasn’t a question. When I nodded without a word, his gaze softened, putting down the music sheets with a sigh.

“I’m okay, Dad,” I said firmly before he could ask.

Winfred looked unconvinced. “Sure, sure. Come talk to me when you’re not in denial anymore, okay?”

Very straight to the point. “Okay. But it may take a while,” I said nodding vacantly as I marched to the fridge and opened it. “Denial is a miser’s paradise.”

A wry smile painted on his face. “Sure thing. Let’s not wait ‘til I’m old, deal?”

“You’re not that old Dad,” I said stooping down to reach for the shrivelled, almost brown apple with a sticky note on it saying off limits. It was the apple Leon left on my table one time he sneaked up to my room. I didn’t eat it and kept it like a remembrance (I know, it’s creepy in a stalker-ish way) inside the fridge for several months which was utterly stupid, now that I think about it.

As Told By NerdyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin