Chapter 7 - The Worst Day Of My Life

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Chapter 7 — The Worst Day of My Life

If my life was some kind of a fictional story, this chapter would have been entitled “The Worst Day of my Life”. Those pages, I would gladly skip if I were to read. If you were me, you would have preferred to be in a coma just so you could save yourself from the suffering that was about to come.

Sadly, I could not have known in advance what was bound to happen and secondly, this is real life. Not just some form of entertainment that could be revised at will.

Becky waved a hand as I walked away. Her house was straight ahead while mine was a turn to the left. My steps were heavy as I was preoccupied yet again. I hated thinking this much. I wished I could stop before I went mad, but couldn’t.

I heard footsteps behind me; light, striding and slow. Thinking it was Becky who might have changed her mind and decided to finally probe me with her questions, I spun to convince her to save her curiosity for tomorrow. Perhaps then, I would have already thought of some believable alibis.

To my surprise, Leon Walden stood before me, both hands in his pockets throwing a piercing look at my direction.

“Are you following me?” I said trying to be as casual as possible.

Leon grunted, a sneer forming on his irritatingly flawless face. It was as though the overly thick glasses, his braces and woolen cap were always invisible to my eyes and I couldn’t force myself to see him as Leonard Dunn anymore. That might have even been more convenient.

“Do I look like I was following you?” He smiled in an insulting way.

I hesitated when the wave of realization came crashing through me. He didn’t need to be so arrogant. I knew what I am. “Well… why are you here then?”

“I’m going home.”

“Really?” I challenged him.

He shook his head as though he saw something funny on my face and started to step ahead. I watched him absent-mindedly as he treaded lightly and stopped in front of my house. Leon took a quick glimpse at me then headed to the house across the street that used to be the Robson family’s home.

My jaw dropped in disbelief that I did not worry anymore if I would look like a total idiot.

Before he closed the door of his home, he mouthed unobtrusively with a smile. “I told you so.”

Upon reaching my room I threw my things mindlessly and changed into a pair of pajamas. Normally, I would stay locked inside my room where my mom wouldn’t pester me or just so I could not here her constant muttering about stuff that I did and didn’t do. But today, I was glad to risk my peace to find answers.

“Mom,” I called as I practically jumped from the stairs. “You don’t happen to know who moved in across the street, do you?”

A smile formed on her face. That couldn’t be good.

Even in the physical aspect, we didn’t have very much in common. She has big blue eyes, wavy strawberry blond locks and thin lips. Every detail of her features was gentle, except her voice which seemed too livid, not to mention, shrill most of the time. “Why so suddenly curious?” She was in a good mood.

“No specific reason,” I lied. She didn’t seem to notice. Good.

“You’ll get to meet them sometime soon.”

As Told By NerdyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt