Chapter 1: The headless-chicken mentality of Ryder Quin

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It's funny how sometimes people when things don't go quite their way, turn their eyes to the past and wonder... Where did I go wrong? As if that would actually change anything. It's probably one of the stupidest things a human can do, but they do it anyway. It's not like they can go back in time and change anything.

Where did I go wrong?

For Ryder Quin, things probably went wrong from the first day of high school. Maybe it started with high school. Or maybe it went wrong when she decided that going to school with e fever and while on her time of the month was a good idea as if she would actually be able to survive that. It's debatable if ANYONE can survive that, but dear Ryder Quin sometimes has the mentality of that one chicken in Moana, so such situations are not rare.

It was that sick body and blurry vision because of the fever, that made her faint in the hallways while trying to make her way to the bathroom. And because of her occasional headless-chicken mentality that convinced her to do dumb shit, this damsel-in-distress-style fainting led this idiot of a girl to meet Aiden Caley. And it was his gentle smile, the help he offered, probably also that stupid desire in the heart of a teenager to experience that movie-like high school experience, or most likely the fact that he carried her in her arms to the school's infirmary that made Ryder develop a crush on him. People are easily fooled creatures when it comes to their feelings. Just a moment is enough to make the heart flutter, to make butterflies fly in their stomach, which is very unscientific, but feelings don't care much about science, do they?

Maybe it all started with this crush... or maybe it all started that day... that night...

That day was like all the other days. Boring. No matter how interesting and exciting movies make high school look like, it is quite the opposite actually. It's boring, physically and mentally tiring and there are a lot of idiots to deal with, most of them being from the school's staff. So, given the fact that this boring day seemed to never come to an end, the dragged voice of the teacher either making people fall asleep or annoyed, Ryder was entertaining herself by, not creepily at all, staring at her very crush, Aiden Caley.

"Psst...Ryder." The staring seemed to be damaging her hearing for Ryder failed to notice that Jasmine, her friend, was calling her. "Yo Ryde..." And yet again another failure. "Yo, you chicken-head." Jasmine's voice sounded a lot like that of a mother trying to scold her wailing-in-public toddler but without making it too obvious. Thankfully, the teacher was half-deaf... or maybe he just didn't care for he was quite old and rumors said that he was so ancient he fought in World War 1. As mentioned before... the school was filled with idiots.

Finally, Ryder, the chicken-head, listened. "What?" Still, her eyes didn't leave the guy's back. She wasn't even looking at his face, what is so interesting about a back? Jasmine could never understand the head of this girl. Maybe because it was partly that of a chicken.

"Stop staring at him for God's sake." Jasmine hissed. And to urge her friend further, she skillfully and mercilessly threw a pencil to her head, not caring if Ryder might lose an eye or not. Or maybe that was her intention from the beginning. Not quite easy to ogle at someone without eyes, right? In her defense, Jasmine was trying to save her friend's dignity and reputation, so she wouldn't become a creep.

However, Ryder was rather bored. It's not like she would stare at the guy's back if it wasn't for that, furthermore, she was more lost in her thoughts while accidentally it happened for her eyes to be landed on Aiden. Still, that didn't make it sound less creepy, so she didn't try to defend or explain herself. Quite on the contrary... "But he is so handsome and..." Ryder finally looked at Jasmine with a frown on her face. Her eyes then landed on the open and miserably abounded "for the sake of love" notebook of hers and the unanswered questions seemed to be taunting her.

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