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Landon rubbed Damon's back, sitting on the deck beside him as he waited for the med team to get to the bridge. Even through his embroidered coat, Damon felt so cold, like he was pulling the warmth out of the room. He hadn't moved since they'd entered Kaireyeh. He was, faintly, breathing. And Landon had felt a single heartbeat through his wrist. He was like Alexi had been when they'd come back from Andavar.

Not far from him, Oji cradled Alexi's head in her lap, leaning over him, talking fiercely. Alexi was entirely human, nearly skeletal. Landon wasn't sure if he was still alive. Oji could be trying to will him back to life--Landon didn't want to know. He kept his hand on his son's back because maybe, somehow, it would keep him alive. And if Damon had to grow up to be Alexi--then dammit, so be it, he would grow up.

Oji glanced back at Damon and met Landon's eyes. There was desperation there, pleading. Do something.

Damon's shoulder twitched. He opened gold eyes, unfocused.

Landon shook his shoulder. "Damon. Are you with me?"

Damon's eyes tracked toward him.

Yes, he said in Landon's mind. Landon tried not to shiver.

"Stay with me," Landon said fiercely. "Stay with me, Damon."

He gripped Damon's wrist again, trying to feel for a pulse. Which didn't mean anything, he knew that rationally--Aezthena could go minutes or hours between heartbeats. But he had to check.

"Alexi," Damon said. His voice came out cracked and dry. "I can't feel him." He closed his eyes.

Landon shook his shoulder again. "No, Damon, no. Stay with me. Open your eyes."

Damon's skin grew warmer as pallor drained from him, his silver hair turning half way back toward black.

He opened his eyes, panting, to stare at Alexi. "I'm not Aezthena," he said. "I thought I'd be...I thought Kaireyeh would--" His face scrunched in concentration, or maybe pain. Landon felt Damon's heartbeat now, racing in his pulse, much too fast.

Alexi spasmed and coughed. Landon felt something in his back ease just a little. Alexi wasn't Damon. But...he wasn't not Landon's son, either.

Alexi's arm flung out as he coughed again and Landon reached to grab his hand. Alexi focused on him. He looked at Landon's hand holding his, and his face crumpled in that particular expression Damon had never been able to hide when he was truly distraught.

"Stay with me," Landon said. "Both of you."

Alexi nodded and lay back, panting.

Damon nodded, too. They looked nearly identical, but for maybe the appearance of five or ten years of age between them.

"Stay with me," Landon whispered.

The ship shuddered. Landon looked up at the front screens.

"We're in Normal," Campa said. "We weren't in Kaireyeh ten minutes. Nav, where are we? Is Kalec there?"

"Contacts," the nav officer said. "Around us--sir, only some are consistent with Kalec's ships--"

The deck heaved and alarms blared. A metallic screech rent the air.

"The hell was that?" Campa barked.

"Collision--sir, decks nine and ten are venting atmosphere. Emergency bulkheads in place."

"Are we under attack?"

Damon struggled to sit up.

"Stay down," Landon said, trying to press him back. But even in his weakened state, even not fully Aezthena, Damon pushed Landon's hand away with ease.

[LEGACY VERSION] The Enemy of Time (Book 2 - The Kaireyeh Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now