Chapter 41 - Jonas

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"No," Wycliffe said as Coda hauled him back from the table, "I'm fine. I'm fine, I want to finish my meal." He brushed at his pants and tried to shake Coda off, but she tightened her grip and yanked him toward the hatch.

Wycliffe's eyes blanked. He fought Coda's grip like a trapped animal.

The general stood.

Jonas moved to help Coda, then hesitated. God, Wycliffe would see any physical contact as a threat, wouldn't he? He didn't look like the same man they'd brought out of the prison, but the unseen scars had hardly healed.

Jonas held out his hands. "It's me. It's Jonadi. It's me."

Wycliffe's eyes rolled around to focus on him. He stilled in Coda's grip, shuddering.

Jonas glanced at the general. How much did his father know? Did he know the Countess was Jonas' birth mother? He certainly couldn't know that Wycliffe was his birth father. He shouldn't know.

Wycliffe's eyes teared up. "You look so much like your uncle." He reached a hand toward Jonas.

Jonas glanced around for some way out of this--Coda caught his eye, but for once her bland expression was cracked. Was she looking to him for answers?

The hatch slid open. Jonas jerked around to see the Countess' young guard--Milla--skid to a stop. For a heartbeat, she took in the scene. Then she razor-focused on Jonas.

"Can I talk to you? Now."

"That's probably a good idea," the general said, his voice flat.

Jonas felt the hairs on his arms rise. What had his father just seen in that exchange between him and Wycliffe? Or was he only reacting to Wycliffe's state of mind?

"Yes," Jonas said, a temporary escape. He followed Milla out to the corridor.

"In private," she said.

"Uh--" Jonas fought past the mental white-out. "My quarters are this way."

Milla nodded and kept pace as he led her there.

His quarters were cramped but private, like she'd asked. Once the cabin hatch had closed behind them, Milla let out a breath and looked around at the neatly-made bunk, the single duffel at its foot stashed with borrowed gear.

"I bunked with Talina on our ship," Milla said.

Jonas' thoughts wrenched to a halt. "Talina? You saw her? Is she safe, is she well?"

Milla nodded. "Shaken, grieving. I don't know where she is now, but to my knowledge, she's still on my ship."

"Grieving," Jonas said. God, it was all a mess. He ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry," Milla said.

Jonas scowled. "What did you want to talk about?"

Milla straightened. Had she been trying to manipulate him? Wear him down with news of Talina?

"The Countess," Milla said. "How well do you know her?"

"Well enough. Why?"

Milla narrowed her eyes. "She took the implant back from me. She's now using it on herself."

Jonas' heart began to race. Had his mother gone back to being Liena Kynaston? He wasn't sure he could handle that ghost alongside dealing with Wycliffe. "So?"

"So, is she stable enough to rule the Justice?"

"What? She's making a bid for the crown?"

"She's making a bid for the Grand Cirenship."

[LEGACY VERSION] The Enemy of Time (Book 2 - The Kaireyeh Chronicles)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora