chapter 40 part 1

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This is part 1 of a two part chapter.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

I bit my lip painfully in anger and disappointment when I opened my eyes the following morning and found the bedspace beside me cold and bare.

'Sebastian had made his choice' I thought ruefully. 'He had chosen his work'

Couldn't he have at least waited until I had awoken before he left? Was that too much to ask? He was the damn boss he could afford to be a hour late one morning. I needed him too. Tsk.

This had made it painstakingly clear,last night meant very little to him. The promises he had whispered so sincerely when he took me over and over in every nook and cranny of the office meant nothing like always they were only just 'mouth talk'. But still, I had always made the same mistake with Sebastian, falling for his empty promises knowing they were just that, empty promises. Shame on me. It was my own fault my eyes were leaking now.

Every time I convinced myself that leaving Sebastian was the best solution I never did hence why for the past 2 months my tear ducts have not been completely dry. I should have left him when he started making his work first priority.

I removed the thick covers from my body and climbed off the bed,ignoring the burning sensation between my legs. The pain served as the only reminder that last night had not just been a fragment of my minds imagination. It had actually happened. I had been deflowered by the man I loved but whom I hated most of the time since lately, like now.

You sure loved him last night didn't we? Ha. My subconscious twerked taunting me.

I took my phone from the night table intending to call Lucas. I needed him to come and pick me up. I hadn't spoken to him the longest I had ever not but I knew he wouldn't hesitate to rush to my assistance if ever I called. Maybe it had been selfish of me to just want to call and request his help after I had avoided him for so long but I knew would understand when I explained everything to him,after all he was my best friend he knew me well. He knew I would only avoid him for serious reasons. When my phone wouldn't come on, I realised it was dead and connected it to the charger then slowly walked to the bathroom.

After a lengthy bath like the one Sebastian and I had last night ,I exited the bathroom fully refreshed with a towel wrapped around my hair and another concealing the most sacred parts of my body.

Not so sacred anymore. Ha. My subconscious snickered raising the volume of the Jerry Springer episode she was currently engrossed in.

I smiled inspire of my heart break. I sat down on the bed and got ready to free my body from the constraints of the fluffy white towel. My subconscious she was just too much sometimes.

I Looked down where his eyes rested and saw that the towel had opened, exposing everywhere his hands and tongue had been the night before. I made quick work of fixing it as he sat down beside me.

"You know I had the feeling that the breakfast I have ordered wouldn't be the only thing i would be tasting this morning. Don't you think so too baby? He chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"Sebastian stop" I murmured and his my face in the crook of his neck, knowing what he was implying.

Before I could remove the towel, the ringing of my cellphone me and I leaned over to retrieve it from it's place on the table but the startling clearing of a throat from the doorway sounded ,halting my actions, my hand raised in midair.

I stared at a half dressed Sebastian, naked from the waist up revealing his broad chest and his sculpted six pack. God. He's big.

Don't we know how 'very big' he is.

I continued staring at him my mouth hanging open in surprise. He was here?

He looked at me and smirked. "Good morning wifey. How are you feeling?"

"Good morning Sebastian" I answered my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm feeling ok"

I was still in a shock of happiness. He had remained home.

I felt my face burn at the way his eyes scrutinized my body,reminding me I was only scantily covered by a towel. Last night had happened but still I was still nervous. Was that weird? Maybe but still.

Sebastian Monteiro pov

"Sebastian stop" miss Luca whined clearly embarrassed and hid her face in the crook of my deck no doubt realizing the double meaning behind my words.

I smiled at her innocence. Even after all I had said and don't to her sexually she still shied away from certain things. My smile got wider when she bit my neck. God. I loved this woman more than she would ever know. Why the fuck did I think that being absent from home would help our relationship because the motives had been good?

"I love you miss Luca " I whispered and gently pulled her long hair.

"I love you too" she replied and kissed my shoulder.

"You make me so happy babe. I would lose my sanity if you ever left me" i told her truthfully and wrapped my hands tighter around her. I had seen the small bag of clothes she had packed last night. I knew she was planning to leave me. And maybe I deserved that if she ever did but I was happy she was still here because I swear to God if she ever left me I would hunt her down and chain her to my bed when I found her.

If she left that would be your own fucking fault Monteiro my subconscious argued and I agreed. Britondii deserved more than she was settling for with me.

She sat up straighter causing my hold around her to loosen.

"I have thought of leaving you so many times Sebastian and if you were not here this morning maybe I would have. I am tired of the loneliness Sebastian. It has become unbearable. I feel as if I am being stifled everyday by the loneliness. It hurts. If this continues if this continues one night you will come home and i will be gone."

I felt my heart clench at her confession and pulled her roughly against me. "I love you so much baby" i gritted out. As I held her I came to the realization that if i I didn't get my act together soon the woman I loved would leave me and I would be damned if I let that happen.

I'm sorry for the the mix up in this chapter. I can't fix it now because my phone is f&%$king with me.

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