chapter 33

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Dedicated to @hobbyyss ❤❤

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

I heard my phone ring again as I pulled the thin green sweater over my head. I didn't even have to look at the caller because as already knew who it was. Goofy Chris. By the time I completed the simple task it had stopped ringing, my cell had stopped ringing but even if it hadn't I would have still ignored it much like I had been doing since I hung up yesterday. He had been calling and messaging since.

I thought maybe I was being a tad over dramatic but in a way I could justify my actions. I had always been aware of Christians feelings but to hear him actually confirm the 'I love you' now when I was in a worrisome place made me angry. I thought his actions were insensitive and selfish and how dare he speak ill of Sebastian, the damn man had almost for peanuts sake. According to him "Sebastian doesn't deserve me and he will only hurt me". I was so tired of everyone being on Sebastian's case. I had forgotten about everything that happened that stupid night. Why can't everyone else? What about my love? Didn't I deserve to try and see if Sebastian and I could work out? Right now that selfish bastard Christian gray can go to he'll.

Jesus Christ Britondii do you always have to be such a drama queen?

I ignored my subconscious and sighed as my phone rang again. But this time I did not ignore it. I took it from the nightstand without looking on it I rolled my eyes and answered the call.

Christian you need to stop calling me. I snapped and was about to end the call when I heard his pained voice.

Im sorry Britondii, please. He pleaded and I felt my anger dissipate and what I felt now was heart break. My heart was breaking for my friend, he loved me but I couldn't love him back not that way.

Im sorry too Christian. The love I feel for you is only brotherly. I love you too,just not the way you want me to. I replied and I heard him chuckle softly. But even on the phone I could tell it was one filled with pain.

I don't want to lose you brat. Friends? He asked me softly.

friends. I confirmed and smiled though I knew it wasn't a video call so he couldn't see it.

Hypocrite. My subconscious chided.

We chatted a while longer avoiding all arguments concerning Sebastian. Then I hung up as I had to finish getting ready and he had to go back to work. England was 5 hours ahead of new York. So Yea.

I jogged down the stairs and saw Jucas (john and lucas's ship name)sitting around the table eating breakfast and feeding each other by the mouth. They were so engrossed with each others mouths they didn't even notice me picking pieces of food from their plates. I decided to make my presence known by screaming from my lungs . "Good morning bitches." Lucas was so frightened he shrieked and fell off his chair while john just sat there covered his ears and muttered curses under his breath. "Damn sis you trying to make me go deaf?" Lucas grumbled glaring at me. By this time Lucas had picked himself up of the carpeted floor and began pulling off his imaginary weave and pretending to throw it at john. "Baby hold my wig" he screeched in a sing song voice. He jumped and clapped his hands over his head.

"Bring it on bottom" I grinned jogging on the spot and kissing my invisible muscles. At this john started cracking up and shaking his head. At my distraction Lucas released a war cry and charged into me.

He tackled me to the ground and I noticed the evil glint in his eyes. I knew that look. He was going to tickle me until I begged for mercy. "Lue no" I begged but my only answer was his wicked smirk.

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