Chapter 43- Are We There Yet?

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Brandon's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar room, my head is hurting and the last thing I remember was the drinking with Jack and I won by five bottles.

My head is killing me then I realize I don't have any clothes, my attention turns to the person who is at the side of me. The brown hair looks familiar, when the person turns to face me I gasp, it's Nikki and she's naked as well.

Oh shit, what have I got myself into?


Anastasia's POV

I wake up on the theater room couch, all the guys are sleeping, they crashed at my place last night after our little prank. Arlene was kind of drunk, so I let her slept in my bedroom.

I turn on my phone, it's 8:30 am and not a single message from Brandon.

I wonder what happened to him last night after the party?

I text him

Me: Hi baby, just wanted to know if you're alright, I enjoy myself last night, what about you?

Thirty minutes later, still no reply

Me: When you're not busy text me, okay?

I leave the theater room and go upstairs to my bedroom.

Arlene is up already and dress, she says, "I have to leave, I'll see you later or tomorrow."

I nod.

I take a shower and wash my hair, then blow dry it. I open my closet and choose clothes to wear, I take out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, my hair in a ponytail.

My stomach grumbles.

Just as I am about to leave my room, my phone vibrates on the dressing table. I pick it up and it's a message from Brandon,

Brandy: I enjoy my night, I went home early due to a headache, I'm now trying to get over my hangover

Me: Okay, well I was wondering when we can start on the geography project?

Brandy: This weekend, later I'll be picking you up at 4 pm, be ready and wear a bikini just in case

Me: Okay see you later, xoxo

Brandy: I love you too xoxo

I feel butterflies in my stomach, then a grumble. I go to the kitchen, to find the boys eating pancakes around the kitchen island.

I smile, "morning guys", they all try to talk with their mouths full.

Jordan chokes on his pancake and Kyle hits him with a punch on his back, making him spit out the pancake on the floor.

Freddie sighs and rubs his forehead, "not again, I swear am feeding some kindergartners."

I giggle.

I sit down and take my plate of pancakes and go into the dining room. Freddie brings my cup of tea and I thank him, " thanks, Fred."

He smiles.

I finish eating just as the guys are leaving, Justin says, "we'll see you tomorrow and if you need us we're just one phone call away."

I nod.

They leave and Freddie says, "you're lucky to have friends that really care about you", I nod in agreement, I really am.


4:00 pm

I have on short pants and a tank top with my bikini underneath. I am waiting for Brandon in my front yard, Freddie went for an evening walk, I'm alone.

I am playing on my phone when I hear a car horn and I look up, Brandon is smiling at me. I get up and grab my bag, which had my towel and sunblock.

I got in and kiss him before putting on my seat belt. We drive in silence for the next twenty minutes before we drive through Burger King drive-thru.

I order, "two double cheeseburger combo please", handing the cashier the money.

He smiles at me and hands me the change, Brandon is texting on his phone to notice anything. The cashier puts a note in one of the bags, which happens to be mine.

Brandon barely talks to me I eat in my burger, then look at the note.

"Your boyfriend looks like he's having some problems, if things don't work out contact me, Jeremy."

I sigh and crumble up the paper putting it in the bag.

Brandon says, "I am not ignoring you Ana, just a lot of things been happening lately with my step-dad and the business", I nod.

Then his phone vibrates, it's a message. He ignores it and continues driving.

I ask, "are we there yet?"

He chuckles, "almost baby girl, be patient."

I groan.

I put on my headphone and listen to music, while my eyes are closed. Brandon taps me on the shoulder and my eyes snap open, he motions for me to take off my headphones.

I did and he says, "we're here Ana", I look out the window and see the amazing blue ocean water.

I get out of the car and stretch, just as Brandon got out on the next side.

I pull him to the sand and sit down, there are a few people here, mostly young adults. I sit down on the sand and Brandon behind me, so I can be between his leg.

I pull out my camera and take out a picture of us together, perfect.

He whispers, "I really love you, Ana, I wouldn't hurt you."

I answer, "I hope so", I really hope so.


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