Chapter 31- There's Nothing Going On Between Us

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It's Monday again, which is back to school. Yesterday I just hung out at the park with the boys, Luke was driving his motorbike all over the city with Justin, Jordan, and me. It was fun, I got to say, Brandon had to work at the pizza place.

I wake up at 7:00 am, Trina is knocking on my door.

She says, "get up Anne, we are going shopping today."

I groan, "I have to go to school today Trina, leave me alone."

I hear her footsteps down the corridor.

I get up and go into the bathroom, take a shower and brush my teeth.

I open my closet and look for clothes, I take out a red mini skirt, red tank top, red heels, and big circle silver earrings. I put it on and brush my hair in a high bun, then put on red lipstick. I check myself out in the mirror, I look hot.

I leave my bedroom and go down the stairs and into the kitchen, Trina gasps, her jaws hang open.

I say, "close your mouth Tri, you'll catch flies", she frowns and closes her mouth. I eat some pancakes and then leave the house, my neighbors are barely home, we are all rich here so, most adults are barely home and their kids are grown-ups.

I unlock my car and get in pulling on my seat belt. I drive to school and see some of the boys waiting for me. I park in my usual spot and open the door, putting out one foot first, so all the attention is on me.

When I step out everyone gasps and Jordan's mouth hangs open just like some of the jocks.

Jordan rubs his eyes, he says "am I seeing right? Anne?"

I nod and smirk.

Justin and Carlos come, I can feel Carlos checking me out. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around, Carlos gasp, and Justin just grinning.

I say, "Hey guys."

Carlos flirts," hi sexy, do you want to go on a date with me?"

Justin taps him behind his head and scowls, "you have a girlfriend already, cool it", smiling at me.

We walk into the school and everything goes silent, all eyes are on us, well mostly me.

We make our way to our lockers and Stephanie decides today to be by it. She's talking to her friends, she's wearing her cheerleader uniform. Then her two friends gasp and she turns around, her smile turns into a frown.

She says, "well well well, the nerd finally tries to fit in."

I roll my eye.

She says, "listen here slut, there is only one room for queen bee at this school and that's me."

I say, "I don't care, now excuse me", pushing past her to go to algebra.

All the guys are checking me out, when Brandon sees me his eyes literally pop out of their socket.

He says, "wow you look sexy Ana", I blush.

His friend says, "hi sexy, when you're fed up with this guy here, call me", winking at me.

Brandon frowns and punches him, he says angrily, "don't ever flirt with my girlfriend again."

Then the bell rings.

Brandon walks me to class, kisses me, and says, "don't tease the guys too much", I nod.

I walk into class and everyone turns to me, the girls all start to whisper, glare at me, or try to get the jock's attention.

I sit down in my seat and take out my book.

Luke says, "wow all the guys keep staring at you."

I roll my eyes.



I get my tray and walk outside and sit with the boys, surprisingly Brandon and his friend are there. Brandon smiles at me and his friend wink at me behind his back, Justin just clutches his fist.

Brandon says, "this is my friend Jack", slapping him on his back.

I sit down and Arlene whispers, "you looking good, I am glad not all the attention is on Stephanie."

I laugh.

Carlos is smiling at his phone, he probably texting his girlfriend.

I ask Luke, "Luke, are you and Gabriella dating yet?"

He nods, "I am carrying her on a date later."

Arlene smiles.

Jordan announces, "I have a girlfriend top, her name is Lisa, no Emily? That's it, Emily, she's a freshman by the nearby college."

I shake my head, Jacob text me,

Twin 1: They wouldn't last a week.

Me: I know right

He chuckles and shakes his head, Brandon squeezes my hand.

I blush and eat my lunch, then Nikki comes, just great.

She says, "Hi Brandon, remember we have that biology project to do, I am coming to your house later", smirking at me.

Brandon sighs and nods then she leaves.

I let go of Brandon's hand, he says, "nothing is going on between us, we are just partners for biology."

I nod.

I say, "I am not angry or anything."

Jordan smirks, "no you're jealous."

I kick him under the table and he says, "Hey!"

I smirk.

Jack says, "we have training guys let's go."

Brandon kisses me on the lips and gets up, then Kyle did the same to Arlene.

When they leave Justin says, "I still don't trust Nikki with Brandon alone, who knows what she's planning."

Me too Justin me too.


What do you think Nikki is planning? Comment your thoughts.

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