51|| Rook to A2

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51|| Rook to A2

Tom Marvolo Riddle is inflamed by anger at the threats paid against Hermione Granger, prompting a fire to light the tattered clothing of the dead Snatcher near their feet. But to the extent where he let it control him in the past, Tom wishes for the opposite here, knowing he cannot act like a mindless dark force when fighting the darkness itself. Despite his deep and unending desire to torture Bellatrix with the nastiest, most painful curses for the rest of her miserable life, he knows she's a masochist in this sense: that satisfaction would come from pain. Maybe then, the most torturous thing would be the simple removal of her power with the easiest of spells.

Perhaps it's the sudden movement at the threat, or maybe it's simply the amount of power he radiates, but when Tom steps around the corner, Bellatrix looks immediately upon him, eyes widening. And just as quickly, such a daze for Hermione to watch, spells are flying with the deep voice of her dark savior.

"Expelliarmus! Stupefy!"

The wand so perilously and crookedly perched in Bellatrix's hand comes shooting free of its home, across the room and into Tom's relaxed hand. And in the same instant, the woman herself goes sailing back into the nearest wall with the sheer strength of the spell alone. Tossing her wand to Harry, the Boy Who Lived is only right in firing next.


This time, almost humorously, it's Lucius Malfoy that goes down. Dropping to the ground at the boy's spell, the wineglass within his hand does not hesitate in shattering upon the hearth, maroon in hair and on hand. At the attack on the family, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy do not hesitate to draw their wands, returning the fire of Tom Riddle and Harry Potter with desperate strokes and sparks, minutes dancing away before their very eyes.

  At the attack on the family, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy do not hesitate to draw their wands, returning the fire of Tom Riddle and Harry Potter with desperate strokes and sparks, minutes dancing away before their very eyes

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"Stop or she dies!" Harry and Tom freeze at that, 'her' only being one person and truly damning Bellatrix to hell. The previous Dark Lord is nothing but fear-inducing and powerful as he turns towards the risen Bellatrix, somehow reawakened in the time of battle. In her arms is a particularly limp Hermione, the skin on her forearm bleeding greatly and bearing some instance of a scar. With the knife perched at Hermione's neck, Bellatrix threatens, "Drop your wands."


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