5|| Knight to C3

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5|| Knight to C3

The midnight hour arrives far too quickly for the gut reactions of Hermione Granger, her stomach clenching with slight nausea at the sheer scope of torture and evil she is to see tonight.  But none of her fear will serve her, accepting a numb facade and frozen sensations as she changes into her new clothing of the green turtleneck, pleated skirt, and black tights.  And though people have yet to comment on her hair, Hermione knows it is best to minimize the frizziness, pulling it into a singular braid down her back, a typical and homely look.  With the green and black colors, Hermione needs some sense of home and her hair surely does just that.

Ten minutes to midnight, she slips from her room, the Time-Turner still sliding against her sternum and beneath her shirt.  The powerful and fateful instrument is becoming a comfort of sorts, an escape always prepared for her if the worst is to arrive.

Hermione watches Tom as she turns from her bedroom corridor, down the main hallway and into the Common Room of the Slytherin House.  He stands at one end, sharp eyes scanning her improved appearance in what he intends to be interest.  And yet, Hermione knows better, remembering that the heir of Slytherin is numb to the appeals of women.  Amortentia, after all.

She stands at his feet, though a good distance away, as her soft, brown eyes look to the dark and colourless eyes of Tom Riddle.  Grinning slightly, he nods his head in the direction of the door.  "Come."

Their pace is quick, though nothing uncomfortable to Hermione, as they move upwards and to the Come and Go Room.  This time in their travels, Tom stays to Hermione's side, more companion-like than that of a leader.  As they move, the Dark Lord points out turns and locations with ease, though the rough tone of his tongue implies irritation with such a task.  But it's not like either can help it, Tom faking his care and Hermione faking her ignorance.  She is sure that this will become tiring real quick.

They come to the hallway of the Room of Requirement within the allotted fifteen minutes.  It tempts to send Hermione into both nostalgia and harsh memories, but she refuses such a notion as she watches Tom pace three times, a doorway revealed in finality.  And though she expects his lack of care for her understanding, obvious earlier, he whips around to her with sharp eyes.

"You understand?" he asks complacently.

"Pass three times and think of where you want to be," Hermione replies easily, knowing this from experience though expressing it in an air of observation.

Voldemort grins at her, always maliciously though Hermione doubts it could be different.  "Brilliant.  You have potential, Granger."

He opens the massive door for her, revealing a group of six Knights now watching their arrival with hardened expressions.  Hermione is quick to enter under their gaze, though stops for Tom as he leads her to the remaining group, deciding to be cautious rather than assuming her place.  And Voldemort does not seem to expect anything different, pointing for her to sit between the tall forms of Lestrange and Avery whom have masked their interest in her presence and figure.  Nodding cordially at both of them, with their reciprocation, she turns to watch Tom stand in front of the fire, refusing to sit on the empty and dominating armchair nearby.

"Knights, I am pleased to say that Hermione has decided to join us in our endeavors," Tom says, clapping his hands together as he leads them in applause, Voldemort being as strange as ever.  And yet, Hermione blushes at the attention, recognizing that Tom Riddle has always been awkward, though graceful in his endeavors, both here and there.  She assumes it comes from his sheer scope of brilliance and his desire to make others uncomfortable.  He is succeeding.

Veal & Venison {Tomione || 1940s/1990s}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat