Chapter 29

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Elena's POV:

I finally stopped crying then there was silences see both stand up.

Then Cameron says, "You know what? I don't care if you still hate me but I'm doing this." pulling me into my arms giving me a intense kiss.

As we pull apart I just look at Cameron's chest across from mine try hard to to water up my try.

"I... I." I  stutter as I take a few steps away from him, "I gotta go..." running inside heading towards the bathrooms.

Why, first I got this amazing opportunity as vogue, had to share a room with my ex, saw my dad I haven't seen for years, and my ex boyfriend kissed me. I can't deal with all of this and it's stressing me out.

Cameron tried knock on the door but I just ignored him by covering my ears.

It's been over ten minutes and I peek out and see Cameron sitting at the lounge area with his hands on his head.

Then I try to bring out my inner spy and try to be so quite walking past him. I then open the door to the party and look back because it made a notice and he's looking straight at me so I run in towards the dance floor so I'm hidden in the crowd.

While I was running threw the people trying not to injure anyone, I bump into someone causing me to fall.

"Sorry!" I say quick I say as we both get up.

"Elena." My father then says sternly.

I made a yikes face as I run to the backstage and sigh when I get there I go to the wall and sigh.

Then a man with an earpiece comes up to me and says, "Ma'am your not aloud to be back here."

"Sorry, I'm leaving now." I say as I see an emergency exit sign and go threw it leading me to the woods.

I head out the door and realize it's seriously forest and I of course try to go back in and it is locked. So I go into the wilderness and what has my life became to, who would of known this could be happening in my life right now because of all this nonsense

My heels then trip me falling down to the ground getting my dress dirty, why me.

I take of my heels and stuff them in my bag continuing to walk.

After walking for quite a bit I the see a faint light in the distance and as I was getting close to it it was downtown near our hotel.

I sigh in relief as I walk down an ally to the streets. Paris was very beautiful at night as I could see the Eiffel Tower in the distance making me shed a small smile making it the best part of the night, honestly.


I then see my hotel a few blocks away but I then decide to go to the small coffee shop because you can never go wrong for a nice warm coffee on this cool night.

I walk in the shop and a few people stare because I'm wearing this huge ass dress but I ignore it and I go up to the front of the shop.

"I'm Adam, how may I help you?" The man asks behind the counter, and he is pretty attractive I've got to say.

"One cappuccino please." I say with a smile.

"Emma one cappuccino." He tells the middle aged woman as she prepares my coffee.

"What brings you here on this night looking so beautiful." Adam says looking at my dress.

"I don't think you would be interested in my crazy life, it's a very long story."

"I've got time." He says with a smile that makes me melt.

I blush as he gives me my coffee as we sit down and I tell him about why I'm here.

"Wow that's wow, you should have your own show or book about this." Adam says still taking in the information after telling him my tragic history.

I then raise an eyebrow thinking that is a pretty good idea, "Good idea but we will see what happens next." I then look at the time and it's almost midnight!

"I'm so sorry but I got to go!" I say gathering my things , "it's been so nice to meet you, bye!"

I run as fast as I can to the hotel because Mr. Carmeno is pretty strict when it comes to curfews. I run to the elevator and plunge all the way to the top floor and I put my key in and open the door slamming it behind myself in relief.

I then look up and it isn't a relief, I then see Mr. Carmeno and Cameron in his suit right in front of me. I'm seriously starting to have a panic attack so I take in a few deep breaths thinking it's all okay when it's really not.

"Ms. Oberlin, do you have an explanation for this!" He says frustrated since it's the first official day we are here and my absent getting here on time.

"No, no I don't." I confess dumping my shoes and purse into the closet.

"There is always an explanation Elena and I need one now!"

"Well your not going to get a god damn explanation because there isn't one!" I scream slamming the door behind me going into the bathroom locking the door as I look at my tearing up face in the mirror.

I then turn on the shower and tie my hair up in a bun and wash my face and body.

I put on my large tee shirt and short and brush my teeth and leave the room.

"Elena." Cameron says a bit pissed.

I just look at him with a straight face for a few seconds and I turn around to put my dress in the closet.

"Elena!" He then shouts pinning me up to the wall making my wrists hurts as he lets go.

"What's your deal man." I say with attitude rubbing my wrists move over a step.

"Stop making this all seem like it's just a game Elena! It's not all about you, you just find the best luck of things you don't even need to try for and you get everything perfect and nothing's in your way. That's not how life goes, like she gets the guy or gets her perfect dream job and everything is all happy at the end, well it's not! You need to open your eyes and see how fucked you are! What was I thinking tonight! Kissing you after all that shit I let slide by before? Hell no, not this time, your solving this problem all in your own and I'm sick of your little childish games!" Cameron then darts out the door leaving a slam causing me to jump.

What have I done.

Guys I'm sorry I haven't been updating, it's just because school is overwhelming me but today I slept for 14.5 hours (thank you weekend) and I'm going to try my best to update but tysm for reading!

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