Chapter 41

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If there was one thing Doug hated more than anything else, it was waiting for an appointment that was running late. Especially from a man who owed everything to him. Thor's office door opened, and a tall, good-looking man stepped out, grinning. Doug could tell the man was a lawyer just by how he walked. So smug and full of himself. Three years in law school and pretentious English majors turn into unholy assholes. Doug contemplated getting Gaia to target lawyers once it was up and running again.

"Doug," said Thor, like they were best friends. "Sorry for keeping you waiting. Please come in."

Doug entered the office, and Thor closed the door behind him.

"I expected Gaia to be fixed by now. I thought I made it clear to you that you were to get Luna in line."

"I did."

"By letting her walk out of here? I saw the security tapes. She and that old ex-cop snuck away at midnight in an Uber. This is getting out of control."

"Calm down. Who do you think was driving that Uber? I've paid half a dozen Ancien employees to drive around the campus posing as Uber and Lyft drivers. We bugged her house while she was here working on Gaia. Everything is under control."

"But you didn't get her to fix Gaia. Who cares what kind of surveillance you have? We need Gaia working."

"Of course we do. But we need her to fix Gaia on her own terms. We need her to think she's safe. I'm a Massino, but that doesn't mean I strong-arm everything. My family didn't send me to Harvard to turn me into a brute."

Doug was satisfied. Time and again, Thor had proven himself worthy. Maybe Doug had finally found a partner he could trust.

"Okay," said Doug.

"Okay," Thor repeated. "I'll let you know when Luna is done fixing Gaia. It shouldn't be long now. My team has been watching her approach and trying similar tactics. Even if she gave up now, we could probably crack it in a couple more days."

"Good. Now, there are some modifications I'd like to talk to you about."

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