Chapter 20 : Im protecting him..

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A/N Thank you all for the votes and comments it really motivates me to keep on doing what I love, Im also in disbelief that this story reached 1.1K views, gwah thank you all for even reading my story! Keep up the votes!!! <333

{Jordans P.O.V}

Its been two months... two painful months. I made a deal with Mark.. 

Two months ago when Mark transferred here, I knew he was gonna cause Alex trouble. I didnt like the fact he was going to try and get in our lives, but he did... After Alex ran home that day Mark gave Alex the razor in the box, at one point I left Alex to get my cloths for the night when Mark texted me.

"The only reason im here is for Jared. If you make this deal with me I wont go near Alex but if you dont then Ill take him from you."

"Whats the deal...?"

"You have to do what ever Jared says, but Jared has limits so dont worry he wont make you do anything that bad, and Alex must not know about this deal." 

"So..If I befriend Jared again you stay away from Alex..? Like he wont get Physically hurt or anything?"



I made the worst mistake of my life, but Mark kept his promise and stayed away. 

The first few weeks I hung out with Jared behind Alex's back, everything was fine. The next day when we hung out he asked me to kiss him. Wait what? The biggest homophob guy i know likes me?! A guy? If I kiss him wouldnt that be cheating... but if I dont he would hurt Alex... I took a deep breath.

Im protecting him.

I inched closer our lips inches away.

Im protecting him.

I held his waist.

Im protecting him.

I pressed our lips together.

That kiss resulted into alot more.. weeks have passed and Ive been having make out sessions not with only my boyfriend but Jared.. Things with Jared slowly got more painfully heated, he was moving faster than in my actual relationship with Alex. 

This is all for Alex.. I want to protect him...

Every weekend I always hang out with Alex, thankfully Jared never picked days to hangout on weekends, but that was until this coming weekend. I jinxed it. This weekend I was supposed to hang out and have a movie marathon with Alex but then I got a text. 

"Hey meet me at the park?" It was from Jared.

Of course I went to the park heading over to Jared who stood by the tree. 

"Hey.." I mumbled.

"Hey." He kissed me hello.

"Why did you call me here on a weekend.." He knew my weekends Im always with Alex.

"I just missed your lips so much." His index finger held up my chin while his thumb parted my lips before kissing them roughly. He took away his hands holding on to my waist, then I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back. Guilt was rising in me, I dont want to do this anymore...but I dont want Alex to get hurt.

Jared pulled away looking at me then at the ground, "Fuck, Jordan... Im sorry. I cant do this anymore..I do love you, I didnt want you to leave me for him.. The only reason I acted up was because I was always taught by my parents liking the same gender is a sin and its wrong so I kept trying to fight away my real feelings but then I didnt care anymore and I  wound up taking advantage of you, now I realized I was being a bad friend and the least I can do is support you..but were stuck in the palm of Marks hands.."

"I didnt want this either, I was only doing this for Alex..but what do you mean by were stuck in the palm of his hands..?"

Before Jared could speak again out Mark came from the bush with his phone dangling with a photo of me and Jared locking lips. "Jared, You betrayed this deal." Mark was grinning ear to ear. 

Jared looked at me in fear, "Im so sorry.."

"Whats going on..?" I asked clenching my fist, I was done with the games why cant I just live a drama free life with my boyfriend.

"Jordan, I did say Jared had his limits to this too right.. when he contacted me to come to this school for you, I would only come only one condition.. If i came to this school and got him with you Jared was no longer aloud to step out of this deal. If he did break this deal I said I would hurt you, Jordan. He said he would never want that for you but then he found himself in a loop of no return and bust out the only way he could. Only 50% is damaged right now."

"What..? you didnt hurt me? What do you mean 50%?" I yelled.

My phone got a text from Alex most likely gonna ask me where am I or if im okay. I take out my phone looking at the text he sent me. He linked the photo of me and Jared with a note, "I never wanna see you again, im nothing but a toy for you. I knew nobody could ever love somebody like me. I hate you!" I clenched my phone putting it in my pocket my heart was being thrown into a blender shredded to a million pieces, anger was over taking me. I stepped towards Mark, "Your dead to me." I gritted out from my teeth.

I hate you. 

I raised my fist at Mark swinging left and right at him, hot tears flowing down my face.

I hate you.

I screamed in anger trying to get more hits in before Jared pulled me off of him.

I hate you.

I never wanted this, we  were in the palm of his hands and he crushed all three of us

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