Chapter 9 : Making a move

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{Jordan's P.O.V}


I woke up to the sound of our neighbors obnoxious dog barking carelessly at the morning mailman. "Is it morning already..." I groaned stretching tiredly. My eyes widen, "The mailman doesn't usually come till late morning! Shit.." I got up throwing on a clean looking black shirt and some jeans, then quickly combing my hair in the bathroom with one hand and carelessly brushing my teeth quickly with the other. I put on my shoes and grabbed my bag running out of the house to school nearly mowing down the mail man. I glance down at my phone realizing I was already late and there was no point in running.


By the time I got to school it was second period and I didn't have a chance to talk to Alex about Hannah. I sighed realizing that I may never get Hannah I mean look at me, Im nothing but a scary looking stranger to her. While making my way into the office for a late pass I ran into someone knocking us both down, "Watch it!" I remembered what Alex told me so I tried to fix what I said before looking up to the person who collided with me, "I uh mean im sorry?!" I look up to see the big green eyes I loved. It was Hannah. "Oh no its okay, It was all my fault. I can so clumsy at times." She chuckled softly and so did I, I even smiled. Not a fake one a real one. "Here let me help you." I gathered up her books handing them to her. "Thanks." She said softly, "See you this period Jordan." She smiled catching up to class. I got up from the dusty floor with a bright red face. "Score!" I smiled before running into the office getting my pass.


It was lunch when I waited at Walkers locker for him, I was furious. "Oh Hey Jordan why weren't you here first period?" He moved me out of the way so he could open his locker. "I woke up late." I said coldly. "Geez what put you in such a bad mood?" He said while opening his locker. I growled in frustration slamming his locker shut before he could put away his stuff. "HEY-" I cut him off, "This morning before second period I ran into Hannah and I helped her pick up her books, she said "see you next period" and I was excited to go see her but I never got to because I had to explain why I was so late again!'' Alex opened his locker again before having it slammed shut again. "I need help, What should I do?!" Alex sighed, "First, can you stop slamming my locker shut! Second, Just try talking to here now since its lunch." I grinned. "Thanks Walker" I patted him on the back before running off to lunch to come across the redhead with the beautiful green eyes.

{Alex's P.O.V}

It was when I finally got my got my locker open I got it slammed shut again. "Okay What the hell!" I turn around to see Kyle and Sasha. "Come on guys really?" I whined twisting the knob again. "Why didn't you tell us you were sitting with Jordan?" Sasha asked. "And why did you sit with him anyway?" Kyle curiously asked. "Well I really didn't have the time to and I have to help him so he can get off my back." I replied opening my locker, "Im not sure if I will be able to sit with you guys for the next lunches since I have to help him.." They groan annoyed. "But I can sit with you today!" They cheered, I grabbed my lunch and closed my locker heading to the cafeteria. We sat down with Emma who was waiting for us and seemed a lot happier now that I was back. Halfway through lunch I was pulled up from my seat by Jordan. "Hey uh What-" I was cut off and being dragged away till I was stopped by Emma holding onto my hand. "Emma?" I looked back at her. "You said you would sit with us!" She looked at the floor embarrassed. "Ill be back-" I was yanked away from her grip by Jordan pulling me outside. "What do you need?" I said a tad irritated. "I need more advice so far we talked all lunch till she had to go do something for a club." He let go of my arm finally witch left a red hand print. "All I can say is keep talking for another day and watch how she acts around you." He nodded as if he were saying "Go On". "Remember to keep your cool by staying nice. Maybe present yourself around her more, like opening doors for her if your near by or make small talk here and there." He smiled looking down at the ground with a light blush. "Thanks Walker." We were interrupted by a ringing bell alerting us lunch was over. I sighed realizing I never got to make it back to Emma. "Damn it... Ill see you later Jordan!" I ran off to see Emma before class but she was already gone.

It was finally last period and not to forget I had this class with Jordan. "Remember class your project is due in a few months, so get to work!" I glance back at Jordan with wide eyes silently screaming "I FORGOT!" in my head knowing ill be dead. He gave a serious questioned face back confused. "You have this period to work on it so get in seats next to your partner." Jordan made his way over confused, "What was that face for?" he asked sitting down. "I forgot about the whole project!" I said scared of what he will do. "Shit Walker...Okay so we have to recall all that happened so far..." I nodded pulling out the paper telling us what we had to do. "We have to do a beginning of the year introduction of each other and how we felt meeting and how we think we will be at the end of the year. Then at the end of the year we put if we changed " I look up at his blue eyes piercing at the paper. "Hmmm alright. We can both write down how we feel then share when we are done." He said while writing some things down already. I nodded and started to write. After awhile we both finished and started to share. "You first." He said.

"This was my first new year in this school, That's when I met Jordan in math. He looked really scary when I met him. I wanted to stay away from him this year of school but I ran into him at lunch on accident and he got mad so he became my bully. He was really mean and annoying...-" "WOAH, WOAH, WOAH! YOU CANT PUT THAT DUMBASS!" He tried grabbing my paper but I held it away,till he tacked me for it. "GILBERT! WALKER! OFFICE NOW!" The teacher screamed at us pulling us apart. We walked down to the office in silence and sat back down in the chairs we were in before. We got yelled at and were sentenced another two days of cleaning although we were supposed to finish this today.

School was over and we had to clean this long trashed hallway. Once again I put on my music and started to sweep papers into a pile. "Don't you ever get tired of this dubstep music, they all sound alike?" He questioned standing there confused holding his broom. I rolled my eyes, "They are all not alike you have to get into the music." I huffed sweeping more. "Hey Jordan do you wanna hang out after school and work on that project with me?" I looked up at him staring at me. "Uh sure."

We finished the hallway and went to my house because Jordan didn't want to go to his house. I opened the door to have Alyssa greet us. "Hi big brother! Who is this?" She hid behind my leg from Jordan staring up at him. "This is Jordan, we have a project to work on so please don't bother us okay?" She nodded running off into the living room. "Your house is big." Jordan said while following me upstairs to my room. "You think so? I think its small" I sat on my bed awkwardly pulling out the work we started on while he shut the door and stood next to me. "You can sit if you want." He nodded and sat next to me. We worked the rest of the time getting into small arguments here and there but we had a good start to the essay, That's when I got a text from Emma.

"Hey. Sorry I was being selfish at lunch. Wanna hang out for a bit?" ~Emma

I quickly replied "Sorry, im with Jordan right now."

She didn't reply after that so I put down my phone and continued the project...

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