Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ilene woke up to find herself in her own bedroom, in her broken down apartment. She looked around her mostly bare, messy room to see all her familiar things untouched. How the hell had she managed to get herself here?

She had no memory of leaving the host club. the last thing that was coming to mind was crashing in the big room with that annoying woman, Princess Juliana, talking her head off. Some nonsense she could not really remember.

Sitting up, she put a hand to her spinning head, trying to stop herself from falling back. What the hall happened to her? It felt as if someone had repeatedly smashed a hammer to her skull, then hit it again once it had reformed. It was a strange description, but that was what popped in her head as soon as she felt the loud throbs. Quickly, Ilene ;ay back down again, afraid of damaging herself.

Turning over, she tried to get her heavy head comfortable. The pillow was soft, but apparently not soft enough for her damn head that sunk right into it. As she shuffled a little, a small crinkling sound caught her attention, and a blur of white caught her eye. Looking up with her foggy eyes, she saw a piece of paper.

"What the hell." Ilene muttered, voice hoarse.

She reached out with a weak arm, and took the note. It was a paper, folded four times. Opening it up, she read it. There were a few lines written in it, in slanted print.

Dear Ilene

Sorry that this had to happen. We really do like you, but we guess it's for the best.

Hope you have a happy long life. And if we ever cross paths, then we will surely give you a wave.

                                                                                                          The Vampire Hosts.

The first thought that popped into her mind now was:

Am I fired?

And that was the last thing she thought of, before she fell asleep.


Princess Juliana grinned smiled into the mirror, admiring the way her teeth were straight and pearly white, and just added to the charm of her looks. Chuckling to herself, she moved back. What beauty in all the world could compare to herself? Who could possibly excel her in this field? The answer was simple; No one. No man, nor any woman. And that was how she liked it. That was how it was going to stay. She would always be the prettiest of all the people in existence.

It was quite sad though. The king did not see her real self. Well not enough to give her the title queen. She was his favourite mistress, but still came second to his wife. And she hated it. The mere thought bought a scowl to her pretty face.

But that was all about to change. Everything was about to be different. It was time for her to step into the shoes she was born to wear. It was time for her to take control of her life.

Laughing, she turned around and walked up to her magnificent canopy bed. It was black, with heavy velvet drapes, and black sheets. There was red embroidery all over, and it was all her. She loved black, it was hollow and dark and represented her, and the red was delicious colour of blood. She loved the two colours so much, everything in her chambers highlighted them.

A knock on the door interrupted her admiring. Exposing her fangs, she snarled.

"It's just me, Mistress." The door opened and a tall slender figure floated in.

Princess Juliana smiled.

"Ah, my most faithful servant," She glided towards him, the hem of her transparent skirt flapping around her ankles,  "Has everything been prepared?" She asked him.

The black cloaked figure stopped a meter or so in front of her, going completely motionless.

"Yes, my lady," the male spoke, "If you wish, we could leave for the chamber now. All is ready."

Princess Juliana's smirk was pure evil. She turned around and walked back to her bed. Lifting the thin black shawl that lay on the bed, she draped it around her bare shoulders and gestured to the servant to lead the way. They left the room together, two graceful figures.

Walking into the corridor, they silently made their way down it, taking the third bend. The next corner they took led to an empty passage with a dead end. Princess Juliana and the servant walked right up to it and stopped. Everything was quiet and still for a moment. then the servant lifted his hand and placed it on the wall. the stone surface beneath his hand rippled and a small glow began to appear, getting larger by the moment.

"My lady." he took a step back, lowering his head respectfully.

Lady Juliana nodded to him, once, the stepped through the rippling wall, followed closely by her servant. the wall solidified itself behind them.

They were in a stone room, a dungeon of some sort; small and square, with bare stone walls and a cauldron place in the middle. A peasant vampire was shackled to one of the walls. She was young and scruffy, her brown eyes gazing around her in fear. The moment she saw Princess Juliana she began to struggle, clear tears journeying down her blackened cheeks.

"Let me go!" she shouted, "The king will have your head for this when he hears. Let me go!"

Princess Juliana growled at her.

"Shush, you worthless garbage. The king will not hear of this, and you will not be freed. Keep that mouth silent while I say my prayers." With that, she turned her back on the weeping girl and placed her hands together, closing her eyes. A small hum sounded from deep within her chest and got louder, echoing in the cold cell like a haunting melody.

The young girl screamed and thrashed, her wails getting louder as did the hum.

"Please let me go!" she begged, "Just let me go!"

Her crying was ignored.

The cloaked servant approached her, and extended a gloved hand. He held a ring of keys. Bending over, he unlocked the shackles and let her free. But he kept a hand on her arm, firm and tight. She struggled and wept, but was forced towards the cauldron, in which clear thick liquid was bubbling.

The servant kept her held fast and stood patiently, waiting for the Princess to finish her prayers. It was a long time before the prayers were over. The princess, without turning around reached back and gripped the girl's hand with amazing force. Tugging her forward, she accepted a unsheathed dagger from the servant, another object which he brought out from under  his heavy cloak.

The girl, on seeing the dagger, struggled even more, her pleas frantic. Princess Juliana ignored her, placing the cold blade on her throat and slitting it open. The servant quickly brought forward a silver goblet. As the goblet filled up with her blood, the life from the girl vanished, till she went limp. Princess Juliana let her go, allowing the body to fall to the ground.

"Dispose of her." she ordered her servant, moving away in disgust.

She took the goblet from him and poured half of the blood into the cauldron. As it made contact with the liquid, it sizzled and hissed, like an enraged serpent. Placing one hand above the cauldron, Princess Juliana muttered a few foreign words. Then drank deeply, the rest of the blood, ignoring the stain it made at the corner of her mouth.

The goblet dropped from her hands and she started choking. Gripping her throat with her pale hands, she tugged, as if trying to pry away a strong force. It did not help, she continued to choke. the servant stood back and watched. He moved forward, only when his mistress fell to the floor in a faint.

Laying her across his lap, he waited, still as a statue.

Half an hour later, Princess Juliana regained consciousness. She sat up, eyes closed, lines of concentration on her forehead. her servant continued his endless waiting.

And then, when the Princess opened her eyes, they were glowing. She was angry, but excited Turning to her servant, she spat, "Bring me that wretched human girl."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2011 ⏰

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