Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

What do you do when the guys that have the ability to suck you dry turn into obedient little slaves? What thought would cross your mind if the Vampire lads, that had the ability to rip open the ground with their bare hands, sat down quietly, without a word? Really, what would you think of all this, when the person who caused it was a woman? A Vampire Pureblood to be specific- A princess.

Ilene watched the boys sitting down on the couch, including Morogh, and looking down like they were going to receive a lecture. Feeling like the world was ending, Ilene approached the silent party, balancing a tray on her hand.

It had turned out that the crash, that had startled Artair, had been nothing, but a dramatic entrance for the Vampire princess, Juliana. The growling had been the massive dogs, literally the size of wild cats, that were now resting at her feet like innocent, tiny pups.

Around them were the signs of human panic. The ballroom floor was littered with smashed wine glasses and plates. These dogs had stirred quite a bit of fright. Luckily, the boys had managed to get the guests out before things could get too far. Sometimes, having hypnotic powers could be good. Ilene admitted that to herself mentally. She was not about to let these big headed boys get any more vain. The world had enough self obsessed people.

Ilene knew she would have to do the cleaning as soon as this 'Princess' left. She was not looking forward to it, and hoped that Juliana had enough authority over the guys to have them clean up. Keith did not look to be as intimidated by her as the rest.

Ilene really had no idea why she was fetching this lady a cool drink. Another thought struck her. Why make the boys clean when it was not even their fault? It was this Juliana's and it would be good if she did the cleaning. After all, if nobody did the work, she would have to do it. She was probably going to do it anyway. She had no idea why she was even considering the impossible.

Sighing to herself, and wishing that she was back in her comfy old bed, she moved forward to give the lady her drink.

Princess Juliana barely glanced her way as she took the glass from the tray. Ilene stepped back, looking at the boys as they stared hard at the floor, like something fascinating, and truly magical was growing before their very eyes, and if they so much as blinked, or thought about looking away, then it would vanish. Their expressions were so concentrated. The word 'Constipated' crossed Ilene's mind and she almost laughed.

Ilene looked at the Princess, wondering what was so good about her. What made her so special? Her style of clothing was definitely strange.  That was something she could say was different. Unique.

Princess Juliana's long, pale legs were covered in net leggings that looked more like they were made out of a thin metal grid. The heels she wore were stiletto, and several inches long; at least five. The skirt she wore was about three inches shorter than the heels, covering next to nothing. A piece of transparent clothe was wrapped around her in waves, clasped between her chest by a dangly ornament, decorated with shinning stones. Over the Transparent cloth, she wore a cape, off shoulders, and also see through. The two pieces of cloth at least kept her body concealed. Over the clothes, she wore a big fur coat, completely white, and so long, the ends of it pooled on the floor. Her pale hair was folded on top of her head, several strands falling around her fair face. It was styled with an ornamental hairpin. Diamonds glittered at her throat and on her slender hands, even her earlobes were styled with heavy jewellery.

Ilene could see that the lady rolled in money. She could not say anything close to that for herself. Looking at the woman's face closely, she realized that her eyes were red. Ruby red, like glistening wet blood.  They were the same colour as Artair and the other guys eyes had been the first time she had seen them when they were feeding. The only different thing was Princess Juliana's eyes were not glowing. Instead they glittered like rubies left under natural light.

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