15 Shawn Mendes Songs Relatable To Popular Nerd!

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This all came to me when SavageSloths13 as well as _TravellingThoughts_  commented the lyrics to a Shawn Mendes song which related to a situation in the book.

It struck me that actually, most of his songs fit into Popular Nerd one way or another.

So after listening to ALL of his songs again- like literally I have everyone on my phone.

I thought I would share with you 15 Shawn Mendes songs and lyrics that match events in my story.

If you don't know who Shawn Mendes is then look him up and cry that your life isn't complete. (He is my life no joke I love him!)

Here we go...


1) Show you

Quote from song: Do I need to show you guess I gotta show you

Nathan had to prove to everyone he wasn't just a nerd. He showed the school he could be athletic and intelligent at the same time and he proved he could be himself.

2) Life of the party

Quote from song: We don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes

Nathan was different to everyone else, he was singled out as he didn't fit into a specific group like everyone else. But that is what attracted Paige.

Second quote: Take your shot it might be scary

Paige told Nathan to take a shot and be on the football team.

3) Stitches

Quote from song: You watch me bleed until I can't breathe, I'm shaking, falling onto my knees

Paige saw Nathan watching Josh best her up, but he didn't move.

4) Never be alone

Quote from song: Take, a piece of my heart, and make it all your own, so when we are apart, you'll never be alone

Nathan left Paige to go to college in Washington D.C. however they still cared about each other.

5) Kid in love

Quote from song: I know that we just met and maybe this is dumb, but it feels like there was something from the moment that we touched

When Paige went to Nathan's house for the first time- returning his phone- their hands touched and Paige liked it and felt a spark.

6) I don't even know your name

Quote from song: And I don't even know your name

Paige wanted to find out the name of the The School Nerd who Lacy and Josh were taking about.

7) Strings

Quote from song: And your the only girl who brings me back

Nathan feels, throughout the story, that he can only be his true self around Paige and she is the only person, not Laura, to bring him back to happiness.

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