Chapter Eight// Football Practice

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It is now Friday and Nathan has been the centre of attention for two days none stop. With endless flirting and girls going crazy, he has been the hot topic to everyone's conversation. Well, most peoples'.

"Your car fixed yet?" Lacy and I are on our way to last period. We line up outside the classroom and I hug my books close to my chest with a sigh.

"Not yet. It's still at the garage," I inform her, tilting my head with a slight groan. "They say it should be finished by the end of the week, but they said that last week as well and it's still got a flat tyre." Lacy shows a face of sympathy and pats my shoulder lightly.

"I'm sorry I can't give you a ride," she apologises. "I have to take the bus until I'm ungrounded. I hate being a senior without a car."

"Ditto." A faint chuckle escapes my lips. "Why you grounded again?" I face her and laugh as she rolls her eyes erratically.

"Because I pushed my younger brother into the toilet. But the plumber got his head out so its a happy ending! God my mom needs a sense of humour."

"Gosh, grown ups today," I laugh.

"Tell me about it!"

I haven't seen Josh since the start of English. By the end of the lesson he is completely out of sight, his chair empty a second after the bell and the hall ways clear from his presence.

Hence I still don't have a ride home, it is either walk ten blocks or wait inside Josh's car for his arrival. I have no money for the bus so that is out of the option. With Lacy's allowance dropped too, she can't afford to pay for my ride either.

Without any other options, I step out onto the parking lot and automatically spot my boyfriend's car. As I pass, I look to my left and peer through the trees, down onto the field. The football team are warming up for their practice. I notice Nathan getting a lot of attention from the cheerleaders as well as a few of the players stretching and running laps around the track.

I have forgotten that Josh has practice today. So instead of sitting in his car and being bored out of my mind for an hour (I have no homework to catch up on and the signal is crap here so its not like I can text Lacy) I decide to walk down to the field. The grass is dewy and the water leaks into my pumps. I jog over to the bleachers and sit on the top row, getting a brilliant full view of the entire field.

I have always found Josh more attractive in his football uniform. I don't know why, it just emphasises his masculinity and makes him seem tougher. That was the initial reason I originally fell for him: his rippling muscles, his athletic build and daring smile. He has never been that sensitive really. It never really bothered me though. But therefore he isn't very understanding.

As I gaze down at the team- passing the ball, scoring touch downs- it comes to my attention that Josh is no longer on the field. Puzzlement frowns upon my face. Where could he be?

Then I see him.

Josh is currently standing by the side line. He isn't running up and down with the team and he isn't looking as enthusiastic about the game as he always does. Josh adores football and he is the star of the team... Well, maybe not anymore.

Cheers erupt from bellow as Nathan steals the ball and sprints to the line. He throws the ball down in triumph and his team circle around him chanting his name, announcing his victory. Even the cheerleaders join in and rehearse a cheer just for Nathan.

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