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I need your help! There is a couple books that I have read in the past, and I can't remember the titles. I have been searching everywhere for them with no luck. If you recognise the descriptions and know the title or even the author please comment or message me about it. I know they aren't very good descriptions but I'd really appreciate any help at all.

1. This is a werewolf story. This girl goes to a club that allows underage teenagers in. She meets the alpha but they are too young to recognize each other as mates. They do the fricky frack and she ends up pregnant. I think she either turns rogue or moves away. But after the kid is born, maybe toddler age, she meets the alpha again and they know they are mates. She moves in with him. She knows he is the father but doesn't tell him. I don't think I ever finished that story so that's all I remember.

2. Another werewolf story. This girl is abused and raped by her father and takes the morning after pills constantly. She has a motorcycle named maddog, I'm pretty sure she got it from a scrap yard and fixed it up so she's very proud and protective of it. They move to a new house and the alpha or soon to be alpha meets her at school I think and knows they are mates. This girl and her father are werewolves, rogues to be specific, but she doesn't know anything about werewolves so as far as she knows, she is human. She doesn't smell like a werewolf but i think her alpha mate is the only one who can smell werewolf on her and it confuses him because nobody else does. There is another girl, a bad character, who is in the alphas pack but is secretly the abusive fathers daughter. The father and the bad girl make plans against the main girl and the alpha and his pack.

3. Not a werewolf story. I know it doesn't start here, but I remember the guy in the story maybe had an accident and got amnesia. The girl was heartbroken and moved away. A few years later and she owns a restaurant in New York that she named after this special dish that she always made the guy and I think it was either his daughter or little sister... He has a girlfriend and is planning to propose but he doesn't really want to. It's his girlfriend's birthday and the girls restaurant caters her party. She also bumps into the little girl in the hallway because they live across from each other.

4. This isn't a werewolf story, either. This girl and her dad work construction but they don't have enough money. The girl finds an ad I think for a summer construction job. The girl calls and uses an app to disguise her voice to a man's voice so they won't judge her for being a girl. The girl lies to her dad about where she is going for the summer, I think she tells him she is going to camp. When the girl gets to the job, if I remember correctly, the guy who hired her is upset because he doesn't think she can do the job and there isn't enough time to hire new help. I think the job is to build a cabin for a writer. They start working together and at first they don't speak to each other but they start to open up. They both have a thing for hats. When her dad finds out about where she actually is he rushed there and makes her come home, or maybe he lets her stay because she made a promise, I can't remember exactly. The dad's construction company is the rival company of the guys fathers company. They're dad's used to have a construction company together but her mom left her dad for his dad and then his dad left her mom for his mom or the other way around. Either way they ended their partnership over it and the guys dad's business ended up doing better than her dad's business and the dad's hate each other. Eventually the guy and girl find each and they end up together.
Last I heard, the author took this book off of wattpad because she wanted to publish it. I think I remember the cover for this book being a measuring tape.

If you can at least tell me the author or title of any of these books I'm eternally grateful. Even if you can't help, at least you read this, even that's something.

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