Part 8: Hush Now

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I roll over and look at my phone.

1:37 am??? Are you kidding me?


I look down to what I'm wearing, underwear and a tank top, that's it. Oh well, everyone is asleep, right? I go down to the kitchen and open the fridge. I look over everything for the third time before deciding I'm not hungry after all, but I am no longer tired. 

"Great. now what am I going to do?" I groan.

"You could explain why you are in my house, wearing practically nothing." I screech, perfect now I'm screeching, and turn around. My canines are extended and my claws are coming out. When I see who it is I relax. Luke, mentally rolling my eyes right now.

"Lily invited me" I shrugged, "Why are you just now getting home?" 

"That's none of your business." I raise an eyebrow.

"Oh but it is, and if that hickey on your neck is any indication then I would assume you just hooked up with Kelsie." I spit with disgust. 

"Mate would never do that!"  

"Oh, so now you want to talk to me?" 

Lena doesn't answer after that. Thought so.

"Is someone cranky that she didn't get some of this?" He asks gesturing to himself.

"Naw, I think someone was mad that I didn't come bow down at your feet once I saw you, and had to prove his manhood so badly that he went running to the easiest girl in school." I wink at him and walk past him. And because I was feeling extra feisty I turn around and wrap my hands around his torso, silently cheering when I hear him gasp. I slowly drag my hands over his muscles til I reach his back and then I cup his butt and squeeze aggressively. I bust out laughing and he turns around with a glare. I laugh even harder at this and start snorting, real attractive Abby. 

But to my surprise, all he does is turn around to the fridge grab a jug of milk. I'm on the floor laughing my butt off, and all of sudden I am wet and cold. I look up and he's hunched over from laughing so hard and I'm covered in milk.

"You are such an ass!" I push his chest so he stumbles back and he stops laughing.

"Can you not take a joke?" He asks but all I do is scoff and jog upstairs. I go into the bathroom in Lily's room and turn on the shower, stripping my clothes, I hop in when it's hot. After I am all rinsed and dried off I put a purple sweater on and black leggings.

I run downstairs and outside. Once I am in the woods I strip of my clothing and put it in a tree branch. Immediately shifting into my silver wolf with black paws and one black ear. I am pretty big compared to the average werewolf. I shake my entire body and take off running. 

I stop at a lake about 3 miles away from the New Moon Packhouse, but I am still in pack territory. I bend down to take a drink of water. Suddenly my heads underwater and something is holding it down. I try to shake off whatever it is and hold my breath at the same time but I just give at some point, not able to fight any more. I go limp and just as my eyes close I can feel air escaping to my lungs. I gasp and cough up water. Than I feel a sharp pain in my side and it knocks the air out of me. My attacker sends more punches and kicks to my torso. I still can't catch my breath. I feel hot breath against my neck and he whispers,

"Stay away from Alpha Luke. You may think he's your mate, but I assure you he isn't. He is mine! If you don't want this to happen again you will not even acknowledge him and do not tell anyone about this!" 

There is a pinch on my neck and everything fades away.


Was going to stop here, but I feel bad for not updating fast enough:/


I open my eyes and all I feel is pain. I am really confused but then I remember.

I look around trying to take in my surroundings, I see my clothes in the tree I left them in and I don't see anybody around so I sigh in relief. I get up and put on my clothes. My hair is still dripping wet and it's still dark, so I wasn't out long thankfully. 

I hurry into the house and up to Lily's room, wincing in pain by my every step. I quietly open her door and creep over to her bathroom. I lift my sweater up and look in the mirror. My entire stomach is black and blue and when I turn around my back is the same. I try to get semi comfy in my makeshift floor bed and look at my phone for the time.


I debate whether I want to train or not. Screw the pain, I will just have to take it easy. I get up and put a sports bra under my sweater and change into some shorts. I walk down to the pack doctor, hoping there is one on the night shift, or at least a nurse.  I open the door and the lights are on. I look around and yes! a nurse walks out of a patients room. She looks up and hurries over to me.

"Can I help you miss?"

"Um, yes, I was wondering if you could wrap something for me so I could train." 

She just nodded and asked, "May I take a look at what you need wrapped miss?"

Uh oh. "Only if you promise not to tell anyone. Please?" I pleaded.

"Of course miss. I won't tell." I nodded and she walked me over to an empty bed and closed the curtain around us. 

"I have to warn you, it's pretty bad." She just nodded and urged me to show her.

I hesitated but after a moment decided it's probably best. I lifted my shirt and her eyes widened. She put her hands over mouth and gasped. I winced, "Told you, it's bad. Now can you just get some athletes wrap for it please?"

"Miss, this is severe. You could have broken ribs! Or internal bleeding! I have to call the pack doctor and admit you in as a patient so we can help you."

"No! You promised, you can't do that." She started to turn around but I grabbed her arm.

"Please?" I begged. 

"No one can know that I just let you walk out with those wounds miss."

"Yes! No, of course no body can find out about it."

"Okay, I will go get the wrap." She walked behind the curtain and came back with a wrap.

After I was all wrapped up, I asked her where I could go to train. She told me where the pack gym was and warned me to be careful and to come back if it gets any worse. Once I found my way to the gym I trained til six. I couldn't take the pain any more and went up to Lily's room to get at least an hour of sleep before school.

Happy birthday to me.

Any inconsistencies? 

I'll edit later

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