Chapter 19

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The pain was debilitating, and I felt like I was dying.

Which I was, I suppose.

The fire had spread to every inch of my body, it burned through all common sense and rationality and I could feel horrible pain that made me scream like I was possessed.

I felt Aro's comforting and soothing presence next to me the entire time, holding my hand and whispering sweet nothings.

Still, nothing penetrated the red fog of pain that has settled over me.

I wasn't sure if I was in the red fog for a minute or a millennium but eventually it all centered in my heart.

My body felt cool, a stark difference to the intense heat in my chest, pumping faster and faster and faster and then....nothing.

I could barely believe it was over, I was afraid to open my eyes, to breathe, to do anything.

"Aro...." I whispered and the different sound of my voice intrigued me enough to open my eyes.

Every particle was visible, everything! It was amazing! Every sense I had was magnified tenfold. I could hear things from miles away, I could smell thousands of different scents.

But one stood out to me as mouthwatering.
And suddenly, my eyes centered on Aro, my love, my sire, and my everything.

"Aro...." I breathed out. He smiled widely, his white teeth glinting. An uncontrollable lust rose up in me and I leapt and tackled him.

"Aro...." I said. "Mmmmm..." I wiggled around on his body, and ran my hands up and down his abdomen.

"Mia Cara!" He gave me a warning growl but I ignored it. I tore through his shirt and I practically purred when his chest was revealed to my hungry eyes.

What was wrong with me?

And just like that, snap. I was crying. I jumped of him and curled up into a ball on the floor and dry sobbed.

"Bella,'s okay. You are a newborn, everything is more intense. Shhh.." He cooed and I calmed into hiccuping sniffles.

"I'm hungry." I whined and he smiled.

"Come," he said and extended a hand, "let's feed and then we will talk. We have much to discuss."

Aro led me to the throne where an array of alive and dead and humans stood.

My eyes zeroed in on a cute human male with bright green eyes.

I smiled at him, and he grinned back, his eyes betraying some nervousness.

I walked towards him and inhaled his scent. It was spicy and warm and delicious.
I approached him and grabbed his arm.

Vaguely, I hear the sounds of other humans dying and other vampires feeding, but I block it out. I was the predator and this boy was my prey.

"What's your name?" I asked him, dazzling him with my eyes.

"Jonah." He answers me, an adoring look in his eyes.

"Well Jonah, your going to be delicious." I tell him and grin, my control slipping.

"Wh-what?" He stutters, confused. I laugh and pounce, my teeth sinking into him neck and I groan in pleasure. He was delicious. He screamed and thrashed but I wasn't bothered in the slightest. His blood filled me up and when he was drained, I stood back and looked at his lifeless body.

"Sorry, Jonah." I say to the corpse. I wasn't sure if I meant it, but whatever.

I hear clapping from and I spin around. The entire guard, including the Kings, are applauding me.

"That was beautiful." Aro says appreciatively. Jane simply grins at me and I run to embrace her.

"Ow! Too tight!" She exclaims and I loosed my grip immediately.

"Sorry Janey!" I apologize and she waves it off.

Aro comes to stand next to me and he holds my hand.

"Everyone, at attention. This is my mate, Isabella. And she is under attack." He says. The room falls silent. I carefully watch the expressions of the guard. Anger, curiosity, worry, and...indifference.

"Carlisle Cullen has betrayed us and is gathering covens to fight us and take Isabella. We must stand strong. We will defend our own. Later, we will meet here to discuss a battle plan. Understood?" He asks. Everyone nods and leaves.

Aro turns to me and leads me to his room. He stands my in front of the mirror.

"Woah!" I exclaim. My skin is a few shades paler and my eyes are a bright ruby red. My lips are cherry red and fuller. My hair is thicker and shinier with more colors. Or maybe I just see color better?

My curves have filled out more and I grew a few inches.

I was hot as fúck.

"You are beautiful, mio amore." Aro tells me and I grin.

"Prove it." I whisper huskily and he smirks.


And he does. Over and over and over again.

Aro Volturi's Heart- My Hands Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin