Chapter 1

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A warm breeze made Adam's eyes slowly flutter open, and he saw a familiar human laying down facing him, just inches away with his eyes closed as he snored softly, exhaling warm breaths of air and stirring the little golden fairy's curly hair.

'It was just a dream...' The fairy gained a distant look in his eyes, their usual twinkle of energy dulling, and he sighed, turning over to have his back to Ty as he squeezed his eyes shut, feeling tears threaten to form.

'I miss them... So much.' He sighed shakily, remembering how he was so worried when his godfather had been kidnapped; when Ian had been taken from him, it left him shaking in his shoes. Sure, at the time he and his guardian hadn't been getting along very well, but Ian was still his paternal influence at the time.

But Adam knew he couldn't bear to lose anyone else. Not again-- not ever.

He felt the mattress under him shift a bit as Ty stirred in his sleep, and Adam looked back over his shoulder just as he felt a finger stroke his shoulder blades, and he forced a smile.


"Mm..." Adam giggled and nuzzled Ty's finger, his dream dissipating from his mind like mist, lighting up his mood as the human sat up.

"You know..." Adam started slyly as Ty stretched with a yawn, in his undershirt and loose pants. "I'm craving some of those "Waffles" you once described to me...~"

"Mm... Alright," Ty chuckled. "But after that I gotta go." Confused, Adam sat up as Ty got out of bed.

"Go? Go where?" Adam echoed, fluttering after Ty and settling down on his shoulder.

"Eh... Just an errand," Ty answered, heading to the kitchen. "Just need to take care of some unfinished business."

"Oh..." Adam's wings slumped a little. "I can't come with you can I?"

"No... Besides, I'm sure Ian and the others miss you," Ty pointed out. Adam perked up and smiled.

"That's true!" He squeaked, nuzzling Ty as the human worked on breakfast. Ty giggled and jerked his shoulder, jolting Adam and making the fairy squeak as he fell off. He was fine of course-- he had his wings and instincts.

"You jerk!" Adam affectionately bumped up against Ty's hand, which was trying to put a pancake onto the plate.

"Hey!" Ty playfully swatted at the fairy, and Adam squealed as he dodged his human friend's hand. He finally however let Ty catch him, and they both chuckled before calming back down.

"Alright play time's over," Ty giggled, carrying a plate of pancakes to the table. Adam landed gracefully on the opposite side of the table, sitting down cross-legged as Ty went and got a small plate for him, bringing it back and cutting up a small section of the pancakes for the fairy.

Adam had grown accustomed to the traditions of being a human-- he fit his title as an ambassador quite well.

But he still couldn't wait to go home.


Seto sighed as he sat on the rim of his hollow, staring out at the sunrise with a blank expression. He had been there all night, ignoring the cold or Jason's advice to go inside, just sitting there.

And when he heard someone flying over to him, he didn't even bother to turn around, knowing exactly who it was.

"Y'know, usually by now I'd have had to save Adam's scales from some kind of mess he got into," Seto sighed out loud.

"And by now I'd have scolded him again for flying out late at night." The blue fairy sat down next to the troubled healer and sighed inwardly. "Let's face it-- he's all grown up now," Ian pointed out. Seto said nothing, simply tucking his knees up to his chest and resting his chin on them. "But now he's more mature, more responsible. You should be proud of him Seto, I know I am." There was a pause, then Ian murmured sadly, "I bet Lawrence and Lillian would be proud of him too." Then he quietly got up and left without another word. Seto tilting his head only slightly to watch him go back to the main clearing, and Seto sighed again, rubbing his chin against his knees, deep in thought. Ian was right... He and Seto had managed to work together to raise a fairy who had lost his parents at such a young age, and while he knew it was hard for Adam... They had done good.

Seto sighed and brought his wings out to drift into the air, fixing his outfit and his hair. As healer of the colony, it was his duty to make sure every fairy was ok... But sometimes he wondered why his hollow was located outside of the clearing and next to the waterfall-- other than it being pretty Zen.

He was about to head to the clearing when he heard a rustle, and he looked back in confusion. Before he could even react, something smacked into him and pinned him to the ground, and he cried out as he struggled to get out from under. But he was caught.

He was trapped under a butterfly net.

He heard footsteps and talking, indistinct since he had hit his head, and Seto was barely conscious as he was dragged up and shoved into a plastic confinement. Seto, groggy, sat up to see that he was in what all fairies feared from humans.

He was trapped in a cage, and being carried away from the colony.

He couldn't cry out for help, his mind was too dizzy, and his last thought was that he diagnosed himself with a concussion as he fell forward and passed out.

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