Chapter 22

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*Neville Pov*

"Deep fry all of these." She ordered yet again and I just stared at the quantity of Roti's made from dough which seems to be enough for the whole lane.

"Why to deep fry these, Aunt? Can't we just do them like normal without much oil?" I asked, to which she as usual glared whenever I gave a suggestion.

"It's been nearly one month since I have been trying to teach you, but still you didn't learn a thing." She said and I stared at her with shock.

"You taught me? When did that happen? Was I sleeping?" I asked, feeling tired like from the past week and not in the mood for her lies.

"When will you learn to talk with respect to the elders?" she asked with tired voice but I didn't back down.

"When I get that in return." I replied, to which she again glared before turning on the stove.

"In half an hour everyone will be down for breakfast and I need them ready." She said before walking away and I sighed walked near to the stove.

What is going on in my life? I should be sitting in an office planning for some construction, but here I am doing something for which I am not even getting some recognition.

No one says a word at the dinner table, but eats everything. It was not better than before with the behavior of any of them towards me.

I know that I should care how Yash and I am there with each other, but I know it is difficult to stay in the house completely without much better attitude from any one of them.

I really should start searching for some job if I am going to stay here forever. I can't do all this every day no matter what, when my heart is not into them.

I want to say all these with Yash but he is busy himself. I don't know when her parents will return and when he can stop meeting her.

If her duty was not there then he could have returned early and we could have got enough time to spend. Even Nic is busy with her work as she needs to leave again soon.

And my Dad still didn't stop calling me like I didn't stop hanging up his calls. Why will I even talk to him?

Why does everyone try too much to be great after doing a mistake? Don't they know that they could have been normal from before itself to not have much tough time.

My Mom and Dad are really alike and maybe that's what made them separate. To top of all this I can see many drama's.

The drama of my step-dad and Mom is literally making me crazy to keep quiet in their matter. If you like someone then you should say it right? What will you get hiding it?

I sighed and immediately gasped when I felt so much oil falling on my hand. I turned off the stove before staring at my hand in shock.

"God!" I mumbled and rushed near to the water turning the tap.

"What happened? Why is everything not finished?" I heard Aunt's voice and turned to see Mom and her walking inside.

"Oil fell on my hand." I replied to which Aunt snorted.

"We all got that experience. It will be fine in a few minutes and finish everything." She said and started walking away but stopped when Mom just stared at me before moving towards me.

"Bhabhi! I think Bhai may need you." Aunt said and walked away but Mom walked near to me.

"Is it burning? Was it too much?" she asked and I held my shivering in control trying to suppress the sensation.

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