Chapter Five

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 Chapter Five

Charlie’s POV

“Thanks for letting me ride with you guys” I said after getting off their car

“No problem” James answered

“See you tomorrow Charlie” Jasmine smiled

After a wave, they left

I sighed, what a weekend, then made my way towards my house

“Hey mom! I’m home!” I shouted

Mom then went out of the kitchen and greeted “Hey sweetie, how’s the trip?”


“Well then, go to your room and take a nap”

“Okay” I said and made my way to my room “Oh and Elise says hello”

Mom smiled and went back to the kitchen while I went to my room

When I entered I dropped my bag, closed the door and sprawled on my bed, I left Elise without talking to her, maybe I should give her a call but what will I say?? ….damn It, I’ll just take a nap

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep


Elise’s POV

It’s was late afternoon when I arrived at my house

“Hello?” I called “Mom?”

“Elise?” Mom peeked from the living room “Is that you?”

I smiled and nodded, mom quickly went to me and gave me a hug

“Why are you here on a school week? Is there a problem or something?” Mom asked

I giggled “No mom, I just missed home, so I came early“

“Well, I missed you too” Mom smiled “want some dinner? I made roast chicken”

“Yeah sure, I’ll just put my things in my room”

Mom nodded and I went to my room

When I got there, the first thing I did is lay on my bed, I missed this bed, they’re right, there’s no place like home, I sat and looked at the curtain-covered window, I wonder if Charlie’s window is open, I turned off the lights and carefully took a peek through my curtains

Charlie’s window is wide open, in fact, Charlie was comfortably sitting on the window sill in her t-shirt and jogging pants on, and her back against the window frame, she had her earphones on and her eyes closed with her foot tapping to the music’s beat

And I can’t help but smile, she looks so content with just sitting there and listening to music, just looking at her made me nervous but relaxed at the same time but then she suddenly moved her head so I quickly ducked behind my window. I hid there for a few minutes then I took another look and she was gone. I then noticed that she went outside her house and was now talking with a very familiar girl in their front yard

“She’s with Jasmine? At this hour?” I said to myself, I looked at them for a while, it looks like they’re talking about something interesting since they keep laughing. A little later, they started jogging

I felt so jealous seeing them together, that’s should be me with her, not Jasmine

I want to be with her so bad but I’ve never been in love with a girl before so I don’t know what to do, I’m not even 100% sure that I really am in love with her and that terrifies me, what if we became a couple and then I realized that I’m not really in love with, then Charlie grew to hate me, I can’t lose her that way, I won’t know what I’ll do if that happens…

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