Chapter 18: the reception

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The giant ball room was filled up all the way with people some I didn't even know. I was sitting at our table staring down at my Dimond ring and smiling. Our wedding had been great all the little kids were so good and acted so grown up. I replayed the wedding in my head while watching my sister and the twins dance around in a circle.
"Haden, come dance with us!" I heard Lilly say and I walked over to the three girls. Even through there was a pretty medium sized age gap between Lilly and the twins they were closer than ever. Everytime they saw each other they would run off to a random room in the castle and play with there dolls or play hide and seek. I danced with the three girls until it was time for dinner. I sat down next to Jacob with the queen on my other side and the king beside Jacob. Our food was set down and then a mic was sent around the room for everyone to say something about me and Jacob. Around the middle of the room a familiar face appeared. I knew her from somewhere but I couldn't put my finger on it.
" I've known Jacob my whole life but I only met Haden a few months ago. From the moment I saw them together I knew it was meant to be. So my gift for the newly wed is an enhancement spell may it protect you well.
nthawi yako yafika tsoka ziyenera kusintha ndi kugunda kwa mtima wanu ndichiyani anati zichitike . inu losokonezeka chiwembu ndi anaswa lamulo tsopano kulipira kulakwitsa kwanu ndi kumva chiwonongeko!" The girl said and pointed a pale hand at me. An icy orb formed in her hand and before I knew what was happening it was hurling toward me. I shut my eyes and prepared for the hit but it never came, only a scream from across the room. I opened my eyes and say Damian sword in hand right In front of me his face red with anger. I looked in front of him to see the girl lying dead on the floor.
" oh my god what the hell?" I yelled going over to get a better look at the girl but had two pairs of hands pull me back.
" what is this?" I asked looking back to Jacob and Damian who had held me back.
" she was going to kill you Haden, I know the spell she was saying. " Damian said letting go of my arm. My expression along with everyone else's was terrified and mad.
" well who is she?"
" Ava." Both boys said in a monotone voice. I looked at them in confusion why was this girl so into killing me.
" it won't matter now though becuase she's dead so you have nothing to worry about ok?" I heard Jacob say as he wrapped me up into a hug. Slowly people began to sit back down and stopped looking at the dead body on the floor.
" I'll be back in a sec." I said before walking out of the room and upstairs. I walked into the bathroom and got a damp washcloth wiping my face with it. I knew eventually I would have to go back out there but for now I just wanted to be alone. I locked my door before sitting down on the balcony letting a wave of calmness wash over me as I breathed in the nights salty air. I eventually found myself falling asleep but I didn't mind,within minutes I was asleep.


After almost and hour of not seeing Haden I went looking for her walking upstairs to our room. I knocked on the door. No answer. I tried to open the door but it was locked.
" Haden?" I said placing an ear to the door. The only reply was a faint sound of waves meaning the balcony door was opened. I walked to the next room and went out to its balcony. I looked over and say Haden asleep under the stars. I gave a silent laugh as I jumped from one balcony to the other. I walked over to Haden and lightly shook her shoulder.
" mmmh?" She hummed and she turned over to face me.
" baby come on let get you inside." I whispered to her. She leaned up and rubbed her eyes before looking at me. I smiled as she riffed my hair and gave me a kiss.
" I love you Jacob" Haden said leaning back her eyes looking into mine
" I love you more" I replied before leaning back in and giving her another kiss.

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