Chapter eleven: The relization

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I woke up with the twin girls beside me still fast asleep. Memories of the night before came flooding back. I looked around to find Jacob and did in a matter is seconds. Three beds down on the top looking straight at me
" good morning." I whispered to him
" good morning, I see the girls ave taken quite an interest in you" he replied slowly coming down from the bunk bed. He came over and took Samantha and put her on the bed so that I could get up. I put Victoria next to her sister and walked out with Jacob. We walked out a giant door to a beautiful garden filled with various flowers and lots of green grass. We walked over to a bench and started to talk.
" my family really seems to like you around especially the twins. " Jacob said his blue eyes pouring into mine. I shook my head in agreement.
" you know my coranation ball is in a week." He said as I sat on the grass picking up little white flowers and making a flower crown.
"No I didn't know there was a ball going on." I said looking up at him. The sun was packing through the tress giving a shaded cool feeling. I finished tying the flowers together and put it on his head. He gave a small smile and gave me his rough hands. I took them and he pulled me back onto the bench before taking my head in his hands and looking deep into my eyes he spoke.
" Haden, I've been dreaming about you for a long time. So many different settings at different times." I put my hand on his and he stopped talking, looking in my eyes he quietly said " I think I'm in love with you." Before leaning in and kissing me on the lips sending a shock throughout my whole body. I felt the whole world melt away until me and Jacob were the only ones left, if this is what every kiss felt like I would inderstand why people makes out. I slowly pulled away from Jacob my eyes still closed.
" I think I'm in love with you too." I replied. Jacobs lips turned into a bright smile. I got up and stated running around as Jacob tried to take me in for another kiss. We chased each other around laughing and screaming grabbing the attention of everyone else in the castle, as I ran around I saw the servants and even the royal family looking out the windows and cramming the door way. Being totally distracted I slipped over my own feet and landing on the grass. I turned around laughing and grabbed Jacobs outstretched hand pulling him down on the soft grass with me. We laughed still holding hands and for a moment time seemed to stop that is until I was a shadow cover the sun. I looked up to see the king his face full of rage. He pulled me up by my arm and dragged me back toward the castle.
" you young lady are in deep trouble your putting the kingdoms life at stake. Go to your room and don't come out. " he said shuving me into on of the nearby guards who grabbed me by the arms and bright me to my room. I knew then that something had gone wrong and that I would pay for my mistake just like my father always did.

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