Chapter Twenty-nine

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"And you got my note about how to work the tv if it doesn't turn on?" Josh asked.

"Yes I got the note" I replied tiredly.

This had gone on for quite a while. Today was when Josh was leaving to go to Europe. He was dropping me off to school as a farewell and wouldn't let me leave the car, thinking he's forgetting something.

"And did you get the note with my phone number? Because remember I changed my phone" He reminded me.

I pretended to think for a moment. "Wait"

He gave me a pointed look. "Avery"

"Yes I got everything, you don't need to worry about anything" I reassured him.

I gave him a hug not wanting to let go. Even though Josh is annoying he's my rock and I don't know what I'd do without him.

I pulled away. "Have fun in Europe" I smiled knowing how excited he was.

I got out of the car, bringing my bag with him. "I can't wait for all of my gifts I asked you to get me" I told him leaving before he could reply.

As I walked away I could hear him yelling out. "What gifts?"

I pretended to ignore him, smirking as I walked through the school gates. I hadn't actually asked for any gifts but that's my parting gift to him.

I made my way to my first class maths but cursed at my luck when I saw Isa and Lacy walking towards me. When were they best friends? Even better, they were wearing matching outfits.

"Oh look who it is, Ava the loner" Isabelle said with a sickening smile.

"Oh I'm sorry, only my friends can call me Ava and last time I checked, your no longer my friend" I replied.

"By the way who is your friends?" Lacy asked showing her appearance whilst looking around for my friends.

"I don't need friends. All they turn out to be is complete bitches that only give a shit about their appearance. Oh and they also hate it when they lose and they blame it on they're friends even though that certain friend is innocent. So life's pretty much good without friends if you ask me" I smiled, staring at Isabelle.

Isabelle just glared at me and replied "Innocent, really?" She said laughing.

"Yeah innocent. You know I really thought you were a genuine friend but now I know that you've showed your true colours" I say.

"What true colours? You stole that leadership right off me" Isabelle sneered.

"Oh your still going on about that role. It's just a stupid role that I won easily, but of course you always go for the lame stuff" I scoffed hoping my words had hurt her.

Isabelle just stayed quiet so I went on. "Oh and remember that time when you were stupid enough to think someone like Chase would actually have a thing with you. I tried to warn you but you just ignored me and got hurt in the end"

"So now that we're telling the truth to each other I'd just like to say that I never liked you. I was just using you to get with Chase" Isabelle replied coldly.

That comment made my blood boil which made me say a comment I would regret later.

"Your just a cold ass bitch that thinks everything revolves around her, but of course you've just joined the dumb group so that's to be expected." I gave her one of my fake smiles "Remember when you always used to talk about how much you hated them and how dumb they are?" I ask receiving a gasp from Lacy.

Isabelle just glared at me whilst Lacy stayed quiet.

"Oh by the way I'd just like to ask what deal were you making with John? Drugs? Who am I kidding probably sex" I said laughing.

There was a slight look of shock that crossed her features. I could see the anger fuel in her eyes. "You know what maybe I did. Maybe I made a deal about sex but I'm not the one going behind people's backs and saying stupid rumors about them" Isabelle gritted her teeth in anger.

"What rumors?" I asked frowning.

"Don't play innocent I know you made those rumors up" Isabelle replied anger evident in her eyes.

"Whatever you're going on about I have no idea, I'm not the one to blame here" I truthfully replied. I honestly had no idea what she was talking about.

"Whatever. But just saying I'm not the one to blame about what's about to happen to you because hun, like you said before, karmas a bitch." Isabelle smirked. With one last glance she strutted away. Lacy following behind her like a lost puppy.

What have I gotten myself into?

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