22: Maintaining Khushoo'

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Bismillahi rahmani raheem
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful

A great struggle a vast majority of us have is maintaining khushoo', especially during salah. We are always taken over by our own La La Land, and don't realize what we have said or done during the entire salah.

The solution to this problem is not fixing your salah and how you pray; it's only the polish of the solution. You see, khushoo' is about building a greater bond with Allah, to love him and get to know him; that's the real way to gain and maintain khushoo'. Understand your creator, know His names and attributes and the meanings and benefits of them. In order to truly understand Allah, you have to put yourself in a situation in which any of the names can be used.

For example, say you are in meed something, anything: food, transportation, money - you name it. Instead of running to everyone around you asking for help, you rush to Ar-Razzaaq, the Provider, to assist you, since everything is in His hand.

Or say you were discussing to someone about life, God, and everything in existence, and you came across the discussion about Allah and whether or not He has a partner. Then you are reminded that He is Al-Ahad, the One, Al-Awwal, the First, and Al-Aakhir, the Last. You know He has been there forever before any of creation, and will be the last to remain when all of existence decease. You also are reminded that He has no partner whatsoever (Chapter 112 of the Quran).

We have to continue being reminded of Allah, and always run to Him for all our needs, maintain our love and connection with Allah, and in'sha'Allah we will see a change in our lives.

I hope that made at least a little sense, because it's not really clear to truly understand Allah unless you really fit Him into real life situations. But anyway, that's all from me for today, wa asselamu alaikum, peace ✌🏼️

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