XXIX - Take It

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I honestly think this chapter is terrible

I got a random burst of inspiration last night at 4am so this is just awful


Jojo's probably gonna scream at me tomorrow...


Chapter Twenty-Nine

Seline had always liked the darkness far more than the light. Even when she was a human, she was drawn to it. Unlike many others, she drew comfort from the shadows that danced in the moonlight.

Perhaps her love for it had been a sign. Perhaps she was always meant to be a creature of the night. But that also meant that she was a monster in her eyes. A creature that feeds from the life force of others.

Seline stayed from the ballroom, standing in the courtyard and enjoying the short time she had alone. It was nice to focus on something else other than the delicious scent of the Aesir blood.

As a vampire, her senses were heightened ten fold that of a normal and natural human being. She could hear, see, and touch everything with a degree of clarity that no human would ever experience. She could see the rays of the moon reflecting off the glass windows of the castle. She could hear the nocturnal creatures in the forest miles away. And as she touched the flowers, she could touch every little particle of the petals and could almost feel the life pumping in each plant.

It was almost a comfort, but also a curse.

Some people would be wiling to change their lives forever to become an immortal being as strong as her. What they did not know was that Seline was the very definition of cursed. She was given the gift of eternal life, but that came with the price of taking the lives of other people. Sometimes even people she loved.

She didn't want to hurt anyone, which was why she needed to leave soon. Her last option would be to beg Heimdall to let her leave. But would he?

She didn't have time to think of this. She had been so focused in her predicament that she hadn't heard Loki come up behind her.

"Why did you leave the party, Seline?" he asked. She was almost convinced she had heard a bit of worry in his tone.

She didn't answer that specific question, just turned further away from him and kept looking up at the night sky.

"Is there something you needed, Your Highness?" she asked, trying to distract herself by watching the stars.

"Yes. I would like to know why you insist on avoiding me these past few days," he said, moving closer behind her.

"It doesn't matter why. What matters is that it is the right thing to do."

"And why is that?" he asked.

"Your reputation cannot survive if we spend too much time together, my Prince," she said. "Rumors spread."

"You're afraid of what people think of us?" he asked.

"I'm afraid of what people think of you. Your engagement would not go over well if they made the assumption you were having an affair with a servant."

He stayed quiet for a moment. "You know about the engagement?"

"Like I said," she signed, shrugging her shoulders a little. "Rumors spread."

"Yes, well... The engagement has been called off."

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