XIII - None Of Us Are Innocent

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Chapter Thirteen

Seline was finally in a place that she was somewhat comfortable and happy to be in, if she couldn't be in Midgard.

She guessed that Odin had taken pity on her. He must have thought that Loki was just being his mischievous self. He was wrong, of course. Loki hadn't been the problem. Seline had.

He had stationed her on a team of the king's hunters, who were very good at their job. She had made many friends in the weeks that she was with the hunters. There were five groups: the catchers, trackers the skinners, the cleaners, and the takers.

Seline was a catcher. Her weapon of choice were throwing knives, and she had surprised the other catchers with how good at it she was. Because of that, she quickly became friends with all of them.

The catchers were the actual hunters. They were the ones that killed the animals. The trackers found them, the skinners removed the skin and fur, the cleaners got rid of any meat that wasn't deemed edible, and the takers took it back to the castle. The names were all fairly self-explanatory.

On some rare occasions, the catchers hunted faster than the takers could take the meat away, so the hunters would switch roles and help to transport the meat. Luckily, Seline hadn't been chosen to do so yet.

One of the upsides of being a catcher was that, at night, she could sneak off and feed on some of the animals. She did feel guilty killing innocent creatures, but it was either them or one of her friends. Animal blood was thin and almost diluted compared to human's blood, so she had to feed fairly often. At least once or twice a week.

The friends that Seline had made were mostly catchers, but she did get along with some of the takers too. She had five friends which she could say she was close with. Or, at least, closer than she was with everyone else. Felman, a tracker, Kayla, a taker, Augustus, another taker, and Gunna and Amond, two of Seline's fellow catchers.

One of the best things about being a catcher was the good feeling Seline had from the fact that she was helping people.

The food was either given to the royals or, more often, distributed among the people that needed it most. Odin was a very gracious king that way. He wanted his people to have all that he did.

Loki had done some truly horrible things in Midgard, but he was not a conquerer like Odin. He was not close to running a dictatorship like his father. Odin may have been kind to his own people for the most part, but somehow Seline thought Loki would make a better king.

"You will set the whole forest alight if you keep that up, Seline," she heard Amond say from behind her.

Amond was Gunna's older brother. He had long and shining blond hair reminded her of Thor. He also reminded her of Thor because he had a roaring laugh and his biceps were probably the size of Seline's head.

She sighed and threw the two sparking rocks aside, deciding that the fire could wait until the sun went down a little further. "I know, I know..."

"Taking your anger and frustration out on the sticks, I see," he chuckled.

She frowned. "I suppose so."

He came and sat down on the log beside her, handing her a small wooden plate with meat and grapes on it. She shook her head a little.

"I'm alright, thank you," she said.

"Are you sure? You have not eaten a single thing today."

"I'm fine," she insisted.

He shrugged, setting the plate aside before eating his own food. His eating habits reminded her of Volstagg.

"So, what has you so upset?" He asked her after a few seconds of comfortable silence.

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