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Eddie walked into Reno’s dressed in neatly pressed slacks and a grey shirt that brought out the color of his eyes. Reno was a top class Italian restaurant where Matty worked as a sous chef. Eddie walked up to a girl dressed in the red and white uniform; he has been here enough times to know the staff by name.

“Hi Becky, table for one please,” Eddie greeted with a smile.

Becky smiled when she saw him, she pouted and stared at him for a moment before he realized what she wanted. This has happened on more than one occasion, he rolled his eyes and kissed her cheeks, shaking his head as he pulled away.

“Better. You can have a seat by the window if you want.” Becky spoke, wiggling her brow.

To get into Reno’s one must have booked the reservation weeks in advance but Eddie was part of the lucky few that always got a seat; because he was best friends with the sous chef. Becky almost always tried to make him seat near the window. She always said his beauty would make passers-by stop by, or, come in and ask him out on a date; she said he deserves a man who can treat him like a prince. Eddie thinks she has seen far too many romantic comedies.

“In your dreams, lady.”

Becky narrowed her eyes at him as if she was saying one day. “Follow me,” she ordered, earning a snort from Eddie.

She led him into the restaurant that was filled with the sound of chatter coming from every direction. They weren’t booming voices, but were loud enough that one might say whatever they liked and no one else would pay any attention. He smiled at her as she led him to a seat at the far side of the restaurant, close to the wall, next to the window. Immediately she’s gone, a waiter takes her place.

“Freddie hi.”

“Back again?” Freddie asked as he handed over the menu. Eddie didn’t bother opening it since he knew the menu like the back of his hand.

“Yeah. It’s meant to be a night out with Matty, but he got called in, so we moved it here.” Eddie replied with a shrug.

“So what drink would you like?”

“A glass of pineapple flavoured Ciroc,” Eddie said, and Freddie nodded before walking away, leaving the menu with Eddie.

As Eddie waited for either Matty or Jamie, he settled for staring around. He hummed to himself as he did so, fingers lightly drumming on his table, he was close to tapping his feet when he saw him. Elijah Sheridan. His eyes widened when the man stood up, Eddie was about to shift his gaze when Elijah looked directly at him, blue eyes pinning him in place. Eddie gulped and dropped his head and let out a silent gasp when a cup was placed in front of him.

Oh. His order.

“Thank you, Freddie.”

“Anytime. Anyways, Matty said I should tell you he’s going to be out soon.”

“It’s alright. You guys are booked full. Please tell him to take his time.” Eddie said and waved Freddie off. The red head moved to another table while Eddie took a sip of his drink. He took a deep breath and calmed his rapidly beating heart then finally looked towards Elijah, but the man wasn’t there. A disappointed feeling wormed its way up his body, and it made Eddie fall back against his chair and pout.


Eddie jumped, accidentally hitting his knee against the underside of the table.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Elijah said, the look on his face showing sincerity. Eddie nodded and rubbed his knee.

Now that the shock had worn off, he finally took in the man in front of him. Elijah had on a black button down shirt and fitted jeans, instead of a suit, and a brown trench coat. He looked like anyone’s dream man as he stood in front of Edward who was finding it hard to speak. His mouth opening and closing, but no words coming out.

A Love Like No Other (ManxMan) ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя