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Picture of sweet Eddie above...


It was five minutes past nine. Eddie was late. He ran down the street with his bag strapped on while carefully holding a cup of unicorn latte. He was careful as he ran because though his beverage was covered, it could spill at any time and he didn’t want his first day at work to be in a coffee stained suit. It took him a couple of minutes and then he was in front of the twenty-five story building he is about to start working in. He said hi to the security outside and walked in, making his way to the receptionist. The ground floor itself was huge and it was occupied only by a dark haired woman with a placard with receptionist written on it, and her huge desk.

“Morning.” Eddie greeted, panting.

The woman behind the desk with a tight ponytail and lips as red as blood raised her brow at him. “How may I help you?”

“I’m new here and I got a text saying I should get my ID from the receptionist before coming up, I’m Eddie Blue Sharpe.” He says, resting his elbow on her desk. The woman frowned for a minute before looking down to search through a drawer.

“May I take a look at your national ID or license?” She asked, her tone anything but warm.

Though slightly taken aback by her behavior, Eddie pulled out his wallet from his pocket and passed her both his license and National ID. Eddie watched as she looked at both cards, she pulled open one her drawers and takes out what must be his ID. She must have been satisfied with them because she raised up her head and smiled as she gave him his ID.

“I’m sorry if I was rude. I have seen many weirdos come in here but any way, welcome to Sheridan Group.” She said, still smiling.

“Thank you.”

Eddie gave her a small nod before making his way to an elevator, he taps his ID against the scanner and the elevator pulled open. He got in and hit the button for the twentieth floor and waited. He checked his watch and sighed, it was nine twenty and he’s twenty minutes late. He was normally punctual and arrived everywhere he was needed to be twenty minutes early but the first cab he had taken this morning broke down, then there was traffic and he needed his morning latte.

There was a light ping and the doors pulled open onto a floor with a few rows of cubicles. Some people were moving around, phones were ringing and he could see people doing work in their stations. He looked around, noticing that most cubicles were plain, no pictures, just computers with a mug of something beside the keyboard. He stood there, not knowing where to go and was about to whistle or something to get people’s attention when a dark haired man in a crisp white shirt tucked into his grey pants made his way to him.

“New guy right?” he asked, voice laced with a strong Yorkshire accent.

“Yes. Hi, I’m Edward Sharpe.”

“I’m Noah Woolf. Welcome to Marketing division of Sheridan Group. The manager is not in right now but let me show you to your working space, you’re just right beside me.” Noah beamed. When he started to walk, Eddie followed him, he got a few stares along the way before he finally got to where Noah was standing.

“You get your own personal computer, make sure you have a password and then you’re good to go.” Noah said with a smile. Eddie dropped his bag on the chair and gently placed his latte on the table and looked around. A new start.

A Love Like No Other (ManxMan) ✔Where stories live. Discover now