Chapter 5: Saving Sadie

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In his bathroom office, Fonzie gloated over the new love of his life and his enthusiasm impressed Richie. Seeing him get so weak in the knees, Richie felt that Fonzie truly found his one. Al suddenly burst in with a letter and a sad face.

"A note from Sadie, Fonz. It's very important."

Fonzie was oblivious to Al's sad expression. "Oh, my little rose is getting impatient, I understand. You tell her I'll be right out, I'm just fixin' my hair."

Fonzie gazed in the mirror and smiled with his arms thrust out. "Aaayy, perfectamundo, never mind!"

Al put it in Fonzie's hand, and scurried out while muttering his famous, "Yup, yup, yup."

Richie looked at the others and frowned, something was definitely wrong.

Fonzie opened the letter with gusto and read aloud. 'Dear Arthur...' He cocked his head bashfully and grinned. "I let her call me Arthur too...'Dear Arthur, words cannot express the joy and happiness I felt being with you these last few days. You are my knight in shining leather armor and my cool rider hero forever.' Fonzie clutched the letter to his chest. "Joy and happiness! I gave her joy and happiness...leather armor? Cool rider? She's original, isn't she? She knows her man! I've never had a chick put her feelings so eloquently before. Woah!" Fonzie emotions swelled to near bursting.

"Oh she's a keeper then, Fonz." Potsie said. "What else does it say, huh?"

Fonzie shook out his arms. "I'm getting' there, Webber, I'm getting' there."

"The suspense is killing me, I hope it's juicy! She's talking about leather!" Ralph laughed impishly and Fonzie glowered.

"It's not that kind of letter, Malph. May I continue?"

"Yeah, Fonz, go ahead, no more interruptions, guys." Richie said.

"Thank you, Cunningham. You keep them in line. Anyway, 'I will never forget the time we spent together, I love talking with you and sharing stories, tonight at Inspiration Point was..." Fonzie chuckled, then read a few lines to himself.

"Never mind all that."

"Aww, come on, Fonz! Read it all. What happened at Inspiration Point?" Ralph whined.

"Zip it, Malph. There are things in life that are not meant for children's eyes and ears."

Richie and Potsie laughed and then quieted down fast so Fonzie could finish.

"I feel like this is second grade ovah here! Anyway, 'I know you won't understand why I'm doing this, but please know it's because I care, no, it's's because I love you too much to have anything go wrong..."

Fonzie's smile soured and Richie's jaw dropped. If he slowed down the hands of time he would've literally seen the exact moment where Fonzie's heart broke.

Potsie and Ralph looked at one another scared and moved backwards. They tugged Richie's sleeve to follow. The peculiar look on Fonzie's face could only be described as tranquil rage. Richie, Potsie, and Ralph huddled by the telephone as Fonzie fumed around the bathroom. He punched his palms and kept grabbing the mirror to contain his temper. He let out a shout and did all but break down the tiles and tear the doors off the stalls. He looked in genuine pain.

"How could she do this to me? Why would she do it? Why?" He growled. He leaned over the sink and pressed down on it, prepared to rip it from the wall.

Richie bravely stepped up and clutched his arm. It was time to tell Fonzie all his suspicions and what Ralph found out about the T-Bird.

"Is that a nerd  hand I feel on me? Unless you wanna be wearing the toilet for a hat you better let go of my arm!" Fonzie said through gritted teeth.

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