Chapter 2: The Caring Cunninghams

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Marion cheerfully set down the last plate for breakfast and Fonzie breezed through the kitchen door with a big  "Ayyyy" and "Good morning." He pecked Marion on the cheek and pounced down at the table. He took a swig of the freshly squeezed orange juice. Marion chuckled and patted his back.

"Good morning to you too, Arthur. Did you sleep well?"

Fonzie nodded. "Like a baby, Mrs. C. Hey, what are you cooking down here? I've been smelling syrup and all sorts of good stuff...woah!" Fonzie jumped up from his seat with feigned astonishment. "Mrs. C! Is that a new dress? Did anyone ever tell you that pink is definitely your color? It brings out that rosy blush in your cheeks and compliments your coppery hair."

"Oh, I'm glad you like it. Joanie calls my hair brisk."

"Brisk? Like cold?"

"No, like the color of Lipton tea." She bemoaned, and retrieved the food platters. "Oh Arthur, anyway, that's so kind of you. This dress is three years old."

"Then it must be your sparkling presence that makes it look like new." He fawned again.

Howard and Joanie came downstairs. Fonzie grasped Howard's hand and shook it vigorously. "Mr. C, you're looking mighty chipper this morning, ya got a new golf shirt?"

"No, Fonzie, I've been wearing this one for the last two years."

"Then you lost a few pounds? I don't see your undershirt peeking out between the buttons, woah!" Fonzie pointed out. "Good Job, Mr. C. You've been laying off those donuts."

"I haven't lost any weight, Fonzie." Howard sighed and smiled embarrassed at Marion. "But I did try. Chocolate donuts can't compare to oatmeal and rice cakes." 

"That scale must be broken, because you're looking slim and trim!" Fonzie air boxed Howard's stomach.

Howard stared at the young biker. "Marion, what happened to our other tenant? You know, the moody one with the snappy attitude? I kind of miss him."

Fonzie opened his arms wide by the stairwell. "Here she is! The belle of the ball, ehh!" He spun Joanie around. "Shortcake, you get prettier every time I see you, you are growing into one fine lady."

Joanie smiled proudly and sat at the table. "You see mom and dad, Fonzie thinks I'm a woman! That's all the approval I need."

"Yes, dear, in four more years, Howard, where's Richard?"

"He'll be down in a minute, he woke up late. I heard him shuffling around the kitchen very late last night." Howard tucked his napkin over his shirt.

"Oh good, I was about to blame you for eating all those cookies." She scolded.

Howard groaned and opened the morning paper. The news about the car accident took up the entire third page, but it was nothing compared to the colorful stories he expected to hear from Fonzie and his son.

Fonzie sat down eagerly. "Oh, Rich-aarrd, the family is waiting to dine on this wonderful gourmet breakfast your mother so lovingly prepared!"

"Mr. Pancake? You call that Gourmet?" Richie called out over running water.

"Yes, gourmet! You think you can get food like this anywhere else? Be grateful for your mother!"

"Look, I'm shaving, Fonz. I'll be right..."

"Yo, Cunningham, downstairs. family breakfast. PRONTO."

Fonzie snapped his finger and Richie immediately found himself at the foot of the stairs with the razor in hand and half his face covered in shaving cream. How did the man do that? He barely remembered the seconds it took to hear the command and the sound of the snap before he found himself at Fonzie's beck and call. Richie sometimes wondered if Fonzie were even from this planet.

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