Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The sun was streaming through the curtains made me woke up.I didnt want to get up so I cover my face with my blanket and I tried to go to sleep again but it didn’t come. I sighed and got out of bed, putting my fluffy slippers on I went to the bathroom to wash my teeth. I cleaned them with the tooth brush until I felt them clean and fresh. I looked myself in the mirror and gasped. My hair looked like a hurricane when through it and my face felt oily, so I gave myself a full bath. I scrubbed myself until I was squeaky clean and dry with the big fluffy towel. I went to the bedroom again and saw in the night stand clock that it was only eight thirty.

Murmuring curses for getting up so early in a Saturday, I went to the walk in closet and look for some comfortable clothes. After looking the whole closet, I settle for a pair of jeans, a green halter top and a pair of ballet flats. Not knowing how to do my hair, I just let it in a high ponytail.  After finishing getting dressed, I looked in the closet’s mirror and smiled at my appearance. I run out of the closet garb my phone and went to Claire’s room, which was in the first floor.

Walking through the hallway, I heard some whispers and giggling coming from a room that was the farthest from me and in the opposite direction I was walking from. I tried to ignore it but curiosity got the best of me and I started heading to where the noises were coming from. When I reached the room, the door was slightly open and I looked inside of it and gasped, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

 Sarah, yes people my best friend Sarah was making out with Cameron, one Daniel’s cocky friends.  I remembered him; he was one of the biggest players in high school. But I still couldn’t believe what Sarah was doing, since I know her she had never been seen with a guy before. I looked intensely at Cameron, what those he want with her? Will he play her heart like he did to all those other girls?

I saw Cameron start sniffing the air and knew if he catches my scent I will get in trouble, so bolted out of the hallway like the bats of hell were behind of me.

I run all the way to the kitchen and the first thing I saw was Claire eating cereal. She looked so sad and dull that I decided to do something to cheer her up.  I sneaked behind her and put fingers at both sided of her and started tickling her and squealed in surprise.

“Savannah st-o-p, please!” She tried to talk but she was laughing so hard that she couldn’t. I stopped and took a seat in front of her. I look in to her eyes and saw the happiness that I’d make.

“How are you Claire?”

“I’m fine Savy, I heard about what you did last night to the Sharps.” She said giggling.

“Well I needed them to show me respect.” I whispered at her and she looked down at the table and kept eating her cereal. I left her to be and looked outside the window. After a few minutes Claire got up from her seat and took the bowl to the dishwasher and sat where she was before.

“Savy?” She murmured, making me look from the window to directly at her.

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