Chapter 47- Sugarcakes

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He called very early that day Raven and I were having dinner- well if you call burnt eggs dinner anyways- when my phone rang

I answered it and looked at Raven who smirked playfully "Ash, seriously stop trying to tickle me" Raven said and my eyebrows scrunched together

"But I'm not doing anything" I tried to say but it was muffled by Raven's hand who rolled his eyes at me pointing at the phone

I nodded in understanding holding back a laugh when Raven asked "Hey babe, why is he calling you?" I wrinkled my nose when he said babe

"I d-don't know..." I stared at the ceiling trying to think of an endearment "Sugarcakes?" I said Raven face palmed before Raven could say another word the call ended

Raven glared at me "Sugarcakes?Really?" Blood rushed to my face "Give me a break will you!" I yelled at him

The she wolves who went through heat were back the next day I entered the school was immediately tackled by Alice

"You and Raven are together?I'm so proud of you!" Alice said I glared at Gabriel who raised his hands in surrender

"How come you didn't tell me?" She asked and I looked at my sides afraid of being overheard "It's not even real, all pretend" I said

"Wait, what?" Gabe asked I nodded "All pretend" I repeated I turned to Alice "You went through heat!" I told Al who blushed furiously

"Ah..well" she said mysteriously, keeping all informations to herself

"Hey Sugarcakes!" Raven said in a teasing voice I laughed "you will never let that go will you?" I asked Raven who shook his head "Nope." he answered leaning against my locker

Figured that much..."Jenna's back" he said and I pursed my lips in disappointment

l squeezed my shoulder reassuringly "Hey cheer up, Atleast you can make her jealous too" she said

I smiled "We sure will huh?" I told Raven who spread his arms dramatically "The revenge of Sugarcakes and Scaredypup" he said making me laugh

"I have to go" Gabriel said walking away quickly after seeing Hail walking towards us "Hey Gabriel wait for me!" Hail said running after Gabe

"Is it true? You and Ash are together now?" Hail asked in an excited voice as we sat together in lunch

"Sure is" Raven grinned grabbing my hand looking at Jenna who for once is not smilling

"Really?" Jenna asked in a soft voice I lowered my eyes from hers and looked on Raven's hand I squeezed it nervously

"Yes, she just couldn't resist my charms" Raven said in a boastful tone "What charms?" I asked scowling at him

Raven smirked putting his face near mine "I could show you better that I can tell you" he whispered his breath fanning my face

My phone buzzed in my pocket making me turn away from Raven to glance at my phone

From: Alpha Xavier my love
Stop flirting with him

I felt a bubble of excitement and happiness rise from my heart but I pushed it down trying to keep my expression neutral

I was about to type in a response when Raven plucked my phone out of my hands and started to type in his own response

To:Alpha Xavier my love
Stop texting my girl

Raven handed me my phone back with a wink and I tried not to laugh at him I raised my eyes to Alpha Xavier his eyes were cold looking at Raven with disdain

Rave just gave him a winning smirk putting his arm around my chair Jenna's eyes followed Raven's movement before resting her head at Alpha Xavier's shoulder with a look that says: Two can play this game-or in this case four

I was late for Mythical history so I was in a rush of getting my books out of my locker

"If you're doing this to get my attention stop" a voice I know too well said from behind me I froze for a minute before turning so that I was facing him

"You were the one who told me to move on" I told him trying to keep my voice leveled "I said anyone but Raven right?" he said in a stern voice

The ocean of his eyes were drowning me but I held my ground "I like Raven" I said honestly well I do just..not that way

"His nice to me, he makes me laugh, he's alw-" I wasn't finished talking when Alpha Xavier pushed me against the lockers putting his hands flat against each of me sides, caging me

"Don't" he growled out against my ear I fought against the shiver that ran down my spine

"Break up with him" he whispered so close to my ear I felt my knees weaken "You wouldn't want to see me angry love" his voice so soft but with a promise of sinistry

I gulped and said "But I-" he growled once again "Say you like him one more time and I'm going to fucking break his neck" he said with a voice full of authority that I knew he meant it

He looked at me as if challenging me to say it I wanted to smart mouth him but i just realized our lack of distance making me stare at him

His high cheek bones his soft full reddish lip his think lack lashes that emphasizes the deep blue of his eyes

I swallowed loudly "I- I um..." I stuttered he smirked "You want me" he whispered seductively my lips suddenly felt dry

I pretended to scoff "Pff...Yes-No I do-don't!" I said nervously the smirk never left his lips

"Whatever you say love" he said with a wink before pushing himself off walking away leaving me starring after him..breathless

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