Chapter 4- To the remembered forgotten memories

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"He told me to pack" I told Alice slowly looking at the car's window not able to look into her eyes

Alice inhaled "Oh..." she breathed I gulped and clenched my fist

Pack.Move.Alpha Xavier.Mate.

were the words looping around my head then i stiffened

How to tell mom?????!!?!?????????!!?

I can't breathe no really i think I'm having a panic attack i bit my lip very hard

to keep my self from sobbing I won't live with mom anymore i can't leave her no i can't leave her not after dad

i closed my eyes my mom doesn't reach home till 7:30 i have time i'll think of something

i thought to myself as i reached our front door bidding my goodbyes to alice

i pictured it he would come over to fetch me and i'll calmly tell him that i can't possibly move in with him and he'll completely understand and act like a perfectly caring and loving mate and I'll hug him in happiness perfect ain't it?

too bad that was not what happened...

i was freaking myself out in the sofa thinking of ways  our conversation would go when a soft but commanding knock rang  through our door

i took a deep breath and looked at our wall clock 7:00 sharp

i opened the door horribly nervous there he is right in front of me his side on the doors frame

his arms crossed straining his black v neck shirt's sleeves my eyes trailed to his perfectly carved face and sexy messy black hair his dark blue eyes dazzling his scent deli-

i cleared my throat my cheeks flushing my heart thrumping hard in my chest i fumbled backwards to let him in his eyes looked bored as he gracefully walked to my house and looked at me his face emotionless

"Let's go" he said in that deep manly voice of his that sent shivers down my spine he went out the door and was starting to walk  to his car

"wait" i said running after him he stopped in front of the apple trees and turned around rolling his eyes

"" i stammered ugh what is wrong with me?!?!

he tilted his head raising his eyebrows

biting my lip "i can't" i said softly his face remained emotionless

"my mom i can't leave her i.. just can't okay?I'm sorry its just she's all I've got but I love you and i-" i stopped my rant eyes wide

what did i just say?!!

he smirked and started walking again i  ran after him putting my hand on his arms making him turn around to face me i gasp softly at the sparks that danced on my skin that touched his i took my hand back

and glanced at his cold eyes "say something" i told him when he just continued to pierce me with his gaze "anything" i said frustrated

he walked towards me i took a step back he did that again and my back hit a tree his eyes glinted with mischief

his amazing cold dazz-

i quickly turned my gaze to my gray muddy sneakers my skin tingling with our distance or lack of distance he laughed his laugh was better than any other music I've ever heard

and i looked at him "what?" i mumbled a bit irritated he shook his head "You amuse me"

huh?! "How can you love someone you don't know?" he asked my mouth opened but i quickly snapped it shut when i realized that i don't have an answer

he shook his head turned and started to walk away when

"You hate printed shirts but your mom always buy you one in 8th grade so you pretend to wear them" he stopped walking i can't stop myself from talking

"You hate peanut butter but loves jam so everyday through out 1st grade you strip it off using a fork

You once lost a tooth when fighting with Archer York when he made fun of jenna's christmas decor project in 5th grade

You can't sleep with any light on, You love lobsters and likes your steak overcooked You've never taken a girl out in a date never had a girlfriend officially

You hate combing your hair you love painting you love summer because you surf a lot you never had a cold and in 1st grade Cathrine Ethan stole your first kiss"

i finally got myself to stop talking he just stood there back on me unmoving

"hey" i said running towards him he sighed looking irritated

"so your a stalker" he said in a bored tone we both started walking towards his car

we reached his car in an awkward silence then i started laughing

he looked at me questioningly "nothing i just thought that my first ever declaration of love would be more...dramatic"

he scoffed before opening his car door "well good night then" i said

he nodded "you too girl that wore a unicorn's horn in her head for a whole month in 2nd grade and cried over a teddy bear that miss gilbert's heels accidentally punctured through in 4th grade" he said before driving away

he actually remember that...?

He doesn't want meDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora